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Unexpected Hallucinations
Salvia divinorum (100x extract) & Beer
Citation:   The seeker. "Unexpected Hallucinations: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (100x extract) & Beer (exp116916)". Jan 2, 2023.

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
In the fall of 2018 a friend and I entered a headshop to buy rolling papers on the 'roll'. Behind the counter we noticed 'salvia extract' being sold in tiny 'tea bags' for about $20. They came in 10× to 100× strengths. Of course we bought the 100×. Later in the evening at our usual friday night gathering (3-5 people, all friends at most) with a few beers consumed and the t v. going in the background we got out the bong and loaded it with about a good teaspoon of extract. All we knew was that it was reported to be strong and short acting with an onset of complete paralysis. My two friends each lit the bong in turn and tried to hold a lungfull down. They did NOT hold the smoke very long and complained of the bad taste. Nothing apparently was experienced by them.

A few hours later everyone left and I decided to play a ww2 game on the playstation. Looking at the bong, I decided to have a try. I put a small amount of fresh extract on top of the old and lit the bong (a converted large-size pommegranite juice bottle). I inhaled a complete bong-full, put the bong down, and sat back to play my game. I counted to 45 slowly and suddenly without warning I was completely paralysed. I could still see very clearly and watched the t.v. screen turn sort of grey then the computer-generated nazis sort of stopped moving around on the screen and one of them turned and looked at me with a most malevolent look on his face. Elapsed time seem to be about 1-2 minutes at this point. In the next moment the nazi ( with machine-gun) stepped OUT of the t v. Screen (45") and into the living room. There was no 'watcher' or guide with me. I was all alone. Also at this point the paralysis began to fade. The nazi turned his gun on me and 'let me have it'. There was no sound or noise from him or in the slightly darkened room. Holy smokes!!! The bullets hitting me felt very real and hurt. I managed to sort of crawl to the kitchen where the light was still on. The nazi was still following and shooting but upon entering the light he became G.I. Joe doll sized. Elapsed time about 3 mins. So far.

I started crawling up the stairs, as I could not walk upright, and shouted as loud as I could to my 'friends' that I smoked the salvia and was being chased by a nazi shooting me. They just yelled downstairs, ' oh, you'll be fine, go to sleep.' No help. I looked behind me and the nazi was still there, following me. Still tiny sized. As I made my way up the stairs, the walls and ceiling began to take on a rolling 'marquee' light effect as on the front of a theatre, except the marquee lights were 6"-8" little machine guns, all in little straight rows, flowing slowly across the ceiling and down the walls.

I made it to my bedroom ( 6-8 mins. elapsed) finally, and in the near dark still saw the nazi, standing at the doorway but going no further. At this point he seemed to be 'shrinking'. The marquee 'machine guns' also seemed to to be shrinking, and in another 2-3 minutes vanished completely. So did the nazi. After 10-15 minutes everything seemed normal again, but I could still feel where the bullets hit me for a while yet. I then fell asleep normally, had no dreams, and woke feeling 'foggy'. The brain fogginess lasted about 5 days. Everything went back to normal, no lingering effects.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 116916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 53
Published: Jan 2, 2023Views: 298
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Salvia divinorum (44), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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