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Experience of the Void
Citation:   Yardie Lobo. "Experience of the Void: An Experience with 5-MeO DMT (exp11701)". May 22, 2002.

10 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (freebase)
I am a 'rookie' in the drug world. Sure, I had smoked plenty of pot, but I had only rolled twice and that is it. Well, on Jan. 5 2002, I expirenced the most amazin thing of my life.

I was out and about at friends houses when I some how got sucked into smoking 5-MeO DMT. I was incredibly nervous before taking it even thought 2 of my good friends did it and loved it right in front of me. I said to myself, 'let's just do this' so at about 10:00 pm, I smoked it. As I finished my inhalation, I immediately felt life being sucked out of me and i could not move. I was laid down on the couch. I felt that there was nothing to me and there was nothing around me. This must have been 'the void'. Before I knew it I was flying through a tunnel of interchanging color at a million miles an hour hearing 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'. Then a new found meaning of the song was discovered as I was able to see and feel the music.

As well as I could remember, this was the end of my unconcious state. As I gained conciousness I seemed to be on the ground in the forest be looked upon by elves or some sort of fantasy creature. I soon realized that these were my friends. This was my only major halluncination of my concious state, but there were random mnor ones such as colors changing and a slightly adjusting preception.

I was told that I was unconcious for about 4-5 min. Yet to me it seemed as though it were a second. The expirence of the drug was then greatest expirence of my life yet, I don't intend on doing it much more if ever again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11701
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2002Views: 12,098
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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