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Re-Wiring My Senses
LSA & Cannabis
Citation:   zea|0t. "Re-Wiring My Senses: An Experience with LSA & Cannabis (exp11708)". Dec 7, 2020.

5 seeds oral LSA (ground / crushed)
  Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
    joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Preparation - ground the morning glory seeds in a coffee grinder, and added them to orange juice. I've always been a purist, never having mixed my drugs, this experience was amazing.

A friend of mine and I ground up 10 packets (5 packets each, six seeds per packet) of morning glory seeds and put them into orange juice. After the mild stomach ache cramps passed, lights (and the TV) began to pick up a nice halo, and other subtle visuals were beginning to pick up. As we wandered around his house, it seemed as though I were walking on a very large globe, and my depth perception was noticeably skewed.

In one of the bathrooms at his house, the walls are covered with a regularly mottled pattern. Not only did the wall billow in and out of it's normal position, the pattern itself was moving and shifting. It was like watching an infinite number of intricately decorated paper wheels spin in opposite directions of one another. When segments of the pattern overlapped, another pattern was formed across the wall, upon further inspection, the collective pattern was the same wheels, only one had to 'zoom-out' to see it.

When it felt like we were peaking, we hit up a bowl on my pipe, and that totally shifted the nature of the trip. We smoked outside, and after a cigarette, tried to walk around. After several meters of travel, I noticed a gradually increasing headrush, and decided that sitting would be a better thing to try.

We went back inside to listen to music and watch TV, and it seemed like all of my senses were co-wired into my sense of touch. Fucking crazy. I could feel the flickering of the television roll down my face, and the music seemed to pulse through my arms and chest. The carpet in the room played it's own 'movies' for us. Some were intricate geometric designs, and others were primitive, unrefined, repetitive images (think: the lower half of a woman, swimming, and giving birth to flowers, all in atari-level graphics).

My trip-partner mentioned something to me: before the bowl, the trip was occurring on our sober minds, but after the weed, the trip was occurring on our stoned minds. This definitely explains the shift in the nature of the trip.

I recommend this, and definitely feel that the mild cramps are worth the trip.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 7, 2020Views: 2,608
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Cannabis (1), LSA (65) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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