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Intramuscular Pleasant Internal Tremor
2-Fluorodeschloroketamine & Beer
by void
Citation:   void. "Intramuscular Pleasant Internal Tremor: An Experience with 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine & Beer (exp117081)". Jan 2, 2024.

T+ 0:00
30 mg IM 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:35 500 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I'm not too sure why but after acquiring around 100 rigs (27g 40mm) for IM'ing a wound healing peptide, I've felt the overwhelming curiosity to IM a psychoactive drug.

For a few years the only thing that actually kept my depression under control has been arylcyclohexylamines, especially ketamine and 2fdck are my favourites for the long lasting antidepressant effect and easy dosing. So eventually after considering IM'img 2fdck for a few days I took the plunge and cooked some water and dissolved around 30mg of 2fdck in it.

Mental state: Very tired and sleep deprived. Also had a short course of prednisolone over the last week which has been causing mood swings and insomnia the days before.

T -1:00: Dissolved around 30mg of 2fdck in cooked water, cooked it off, drew it into syringe and let it cool off.
T -0:10: I'm very nervous as it's my first time IM'ing anything and the 40mm needle looks fucking scary. Also I'm unsure if my thighs (quadriceps) are a good place to pin it since many people recommend against it but I'm also not sure if I can hit the shot in my glutes at all.

T 0:00: Take the plunge, stabbed it in kinda slow which is bad but there is surprisingly little pain after the first few mm. Shove it around 30mm in there and start depressing the plunger slowly. I can feel the pressure as the solution starts filling my quads.
T +0:05: I get called by a friend but I already feel a bit dizzy, nothing major though.

T +0:10: Proper onset and I start feeling warm, fuzzy and dissociated. Which is interesting because intranasal 2fdck feels way more cold and clinical.

T +0:20: Warm and fuzzy feeling starts getting stronger starting from my thighs
T +0:35: Peak of the effects. My entire body and especially legs feel like they're vibrating in a pleasant way. Mental dissociating on par with lets say 90mg-ish of intranasal 2fdck.

T +1:30: Effects starts to dwindle, my body is no longer feeling like its vibrating but mentally feel like time is going very slow. Euphoria drops and leaves me in a very "here and now", mentally slow but hyperaware state which is slightly unpleasant.

T +1:35: +1 0.5L beer (5%)
T +1:45: Alcohol seems to suppress some of the unpleasant hyperawareness and the 2fdck is wearing off.
T +2:00: Only residual effects remain.
T +2:30: Virtually sober from the 2fdck
T +4:30: I go to sleep with no issues.
T +10:30: I wake up feeling rested and refreshed, somewhat cognitively slower but nothing too notable. Didn't seem to have disrupted my sleep in fact this is the first proper sleep I've been getting this week.

All in all a pleasant experience and would repeat again at some point.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117081
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 2, 2024Views: 18
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2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (778) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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