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Beautiful Medicine
3-Methylmethcathinone & Cannabis
Citation:   Major Tom. "Beautiful Medicine: An Experience with 3-Methylmethcathinone & Cannabis (exp117126)". Erowid.org. Sep 29, 2023. erowid.org/exp/117126

200 mg oral 3-Methylmethcathinone
I’ve used 3-MMC alone several times, with music and eye shades. I find this medicine sublime and beautiful, and approach it with respect. The effect has been similar to and different from MDMA. I’m able to function more normally on the medicine, and I think I could do my daily tasks on it if I needed to. It’s less blissful than MDMA but still blissful, and I get the same or greater feeling of open-hearted love. As a longtime meditator, I’m sensitive to subtle things, and it seems I can feel my crown chakra opening as the medicine is coming on. This causes me to feel more connected to the divine and to divine love.

Unlike MDMA, this medicine allows and even enhances sexual experience. The open-hearted effect seems to make it impossible to feel shame. 3-MMC can bring out a beautiful sexuality that is free of shame, is loving and deeply spiritual. This medicine connects embodied sexuality with the spiritual experience of the divine—and with no room for shame.

I have had beautiful and profound experiences on this medicine. My spouse is not a psychonaut, so I haven’t been able to have an experience with her. But I have been able to delve into my own sexuality, and have had wonderful, loving, healing experiences.
I have been able to delve into my own sexuality, and have had wonderful, loving, healing experiences.
The medicine has helped me discover and work through some inner blocks and shame issues, and deeply accept who I am. I grew up in an environment that was shaming and confusing about sexuality and gender and this medicine has been healing. It has also been helpful in opening my heart in my marriage in ways that even MDMA did not.

The experience lasts about three hours, and then there is a long, sweet tail. A tiny bit of cannabis as it is wearing off gently extends the experience, I’ve noticed. Using the medicine in this more reverent way leaves me with no desire to re-dose, and cannabis is a safe and gentle way to extend the experience
cannabis is a safe and gentle way to extend the experience
for another hour or so.

I have some friends who have used this medicine together as a couple and loved it. It has enhanced their relationship and their sexual intimacy.

I think this medicine has the potential to be an aphrodisiac that promotes deeper, loving and even spiritual sex.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117126
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 63
Published: Sep 29, 2023Views: 15
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3-Methylmethcathinone (592) : Sex Discussion (14), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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