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Citation:   PaGe 27. "DXM and HPPD: An Experience with DXM (exp11718)". Jan 13, 2002.

About 4 months ago I planned a 3rd plateau dose of Dxm. Worse hony shite I ever downed! Anyway the trip last probly 6 hours late at night, no eurphoria, a controlled scared feeling, fun, not as strong as I had expected. The trip was just awesome CEVs that are described as being like scenes, like on Ketamine(which I have yet to enjoy). I slip out of the trance and return in a dissociated real world. The only OEV I remeber was a scroll of the words 'Page 27' which looked like it was aged paper. I have yet to discover what that is.

A few weeks later I noticed, I beleive in my right eye(ya can't really tell), a speck of white shine appeared. Kind of like when I look at a light and turn away real fast,except it was small and condensed. I knew right away it was from the DXM. After this realisation, I found that at night I saw strange visual patterns that would dissapear, in the corner of my eye. Something simlilar would occur during the day. After about 2 or 2 1/2 months later the 'dot' disappeared. For the tail end it would appear to be blacked somehow, as if faded. Then I read the HPPD vault on Erowid, very informative and concluded my theory. From the information I began to look at white paper, during class I would notice dancing lights(per se. Not really a biggy.

About a week ago, the dot has resurfaced in original form. I beleive this is due to my OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) which I have yet to be helped out with.

DXM was pleasant and mind expanding. Though I do believe doing the drug 5 times in a short while has caused complications. My memory is quite shot, and my perseptions on life have greatly changed. As if I wasn't warned. But hey, speed helps, hehehe.


Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 11718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2002Views: 14,930
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DXM (22) : HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Health Problems (27), Various (28)

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