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A Thinking Man's Drug
Citation:   Fleming. "A Thinking Man's Drug: An Experience with 2C-B-Fly (exp117207)". Sep 29, 2023.

5 - 15 mg oral 2C-B-Fly (pill / tablet)
“A Thinking Man’s Drug”

2-cb-fly – (5mg, 10mg, 15mg).


This substance is known for being one of Ann Shulgin’s preferred psychedelics, and it’s easy to see why! I found this one to be perhaps the best ‘Thinking Session’ drug I’ve come across. Little birds fly past my house and drop stuff in my window, sometimes for free. On one of these occasions, their cargo included three small tablets of 2-cb-fly, which were said to contain 10mg each. The marking “LL” on the tiny, green pills has been linked to a good quality lab in The Netherlands, and people say these were really nice for a while but they don’t make them anymore… That means there may be copycats, or they might be older stock – unfortunately there will be exactly zero consumer protection in this regard until after legalization.

5mg was my initial dose, and it didn’t do much. 10mg a week or so later didn’t do much more. At the time when I received this gift, I’d been generally taking psychedelics a bit too frequently – maybe a couple times a week, which I thought wouldn’t be unreasonable. Anyway, the experiences started to get a little less magical and a little more side-effecty overall, so I got the message and slowed way down. The next time I took 2-cb-fly, a few months later, it was the remaining pill and a half, for a good 15mg dose with no tolerance.

This time I felt the material fully, with a good easy onset and a medium-long duration. I usually plan on taking psychedelics earlier in the day, especially long-acting ones.
This time I felt the material fully, with a good easy onset and a medium-long duration. I usually plan on taking psychedelics earlier in the day, especially long-acting ones.
If I remember correctly, the main effects persisted for quite a while, maybe three or four hours of solid plateau and a slow comedown for a total duration of eight hours or more. The visuals were interesting – closed eye stuff was a lot of rich purple, red and dark blue sort of ‘deep neon’ colors, which I also get with regular 2-cb. Open eye stuff involved some of these side-to-side things, where it’s as if the eye is focusing on vertical sections of objects one by one. For instance, looking at some curtains next to an open window, there was an effect of seeing each fold independently from right to left in a quick sequence. A similar example would be looking at a tree trunk, then following the branches out towards their tips, and you can feel your eye moving in that precise path… This is really difficult to explain in words that actually illustrate what I’m trying to say, unfortunately. Suffice to say it’s pretty cool.

The ’Thinking Session’ was the meat n’ potatoes of the trip and occupied the majority of the plateau. During this time, I was able to sit quietly and undisturbed, analyze all sorts of ideas and thoughts, from the big picture to the small details, ways to deal with certain stressors in life, seeing things from different peoples’ perspectives, experimenting with more rational and calmer thought patterns, controlling the mind’s reaction to various different situations, etc, etc. Of course this type of session is going to be totally unique for each individual. Most people probably don’t take much time at all to reflect on things, much less honestly confront themselves about modifying their behavior based on self-realizations. Psychedelics, when taken in the appropriate environment, give the user a chance to easily drift into that state and stay there for a while. The longer duration of effect with 2-cb-fly is a major asset in my opinion, as really good sessions like this are finite and it’s good to have enough precious time to effectively work through it all. While regular 2-cb is great, its short duration is a drawback for me.
While regular 2-cb is great, its short duration is a drawback for me.
I guess the logic in favor of short durations is “If you’re uncomfortable just hold on and you’ll start coming down in an hour or two”. That’s great, but on 2-cb – and even more so on the extra-short acting DMT – I definitely can feel the window of useful headspace time slipping away… 2-cb-fly addresses that issue with aplomb with its nearly doubled trip length, compared with 2-cb. This improvement represents the essence of the ‘Designer Drug’.

Tactile enhancement was apparent throughout the experience. Food was good, stimulation was not overbearing at any point. Overall, I think this is a real stand-out material. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to acquire more in the future. If I do, I’ll almost certainly titrate the dose down to 10mg and make sure I have no tolerance. Just for fun, I’ll harp on the ‘rules of the game’: Don’t take psychedelics too frequently, and make sure to take the appropriate time to integrate insights from trips into everyday life; Start low and go slow – never waste good drugs; Write down dose and time [for both personal recollection later and for medical professionals in case of any serious emergency]; Keep spreading awareness about these amazing medicines until they are all legalized.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117207
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 29, 2023Views: 15
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2C-B-Fly (350) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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