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The Second Pill Was Too Much
Citation:   Yamzz. "The Second Pill Was Too Much: An Experience with Hydromorphone (exp117561)". Oct 20, 2023.

T+ 0:00
4 mg insufflated Hydromorphone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:00 4 mg insufflated Hydromorphone (ground / crushed)
A Cautionary Tale

I have alot of experience with opioids I've done heroin fent oxy hydro codeine U-47700 and morphine and I only had a bad time on heroin. This is my fist time tryin hydromorphone, I traded my friend 4 50mg vyvanse for 3 4mg hydromorphone pills 2 day before this and I was super exited to finally try it

(0.00) I crush up one 4mg pill and snort all of it and its very smooth not harsh on the nose and the drip wasnt too strong either and immediately I was hit with a euphoric feeling

(0.15) at this point I was in the middle of a cod zombies game when I was hit with a massive wave of physical euphoria and a blanket of warmth covered my body and I could feel myself slowing

(1.00) at this point I started to nod and it felt great

(2.00) I decided to go lay in my bed and snort another pill and the same thing happened I felt euphoric and warm immediately I set my led strip lights as low as they could go and put on music and just relaxed but couldnt fall asleep

(4.00) I felt AMAZING like one of the best feelings I've ever had I decided to turn off the music and just ride this high

(4.30) I started to drift in to sleep and I started to feel super werid and when I woke up I was super fucking confused, I opened my eyes and I could see anything just black fuzz and when my vision came back I looked in the mirror and my lips were blue as hell like smurf blue, I decided to lay back down and focus on my breathing and I fell asleep again and woke up and immediately turn on all of the light in my room and just stare at my phone

I'm writing this like half an hour after I went into severe respiratory depression I'm just now getting nauseous but I think the panic finally just set in and the adrenaline is fuckin me up. I def would do this again but not be as stupid next time

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Oct 20, 2023Views: 16
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Hydromorphone (300) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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