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Gooning Madness Unleashed
Citation:   poundcake. "Gooning Madness Unleashed: An Experience with MDPV (exp118166)". Erowid.org. Sep 27, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118166

  repeated   MDPV
Substance: MDPV
Setting: Anechoic Subterranean Gooning Lair
Duration: 7 Days


Before embarking on this intense journey, I knew thorough preparation was essential. I dedicated an entire day to gathering my thoughts and cleansing my mind. I began with a ritualistic cleanse: a long, hot shower to wash away physical impurities, followed by a session of deep meditation to clear my mind of negative energies. I focused on breathing exercises, repeating mantras of clarity and openness.

In the stillness of my anechoic chamber—a subterranean lair insulated from all external noise and distractions—I felt ready to begin. The silence was absolute, a profound quiet that would amplify the subtleties of the experience.

Day 1 - Dose: 10mg of MDPV

I started with a moderate dose, eager to dive in. Within thirty minutes, a powerful surge of energy hit me like a freight train. My senses sharpened, and the walls of the anechoic chamber seemed to pulse with a life of their own. The euphoria was intoxicating. The gooning began naturally, as my heightened state led to an intense focus on self-pleasure. Hours were spent in front of screens, watching porn with a voracious appetite, my mind lost in the endless loops of dopamine-fueled arousal. Every sensation was magnified, and the silence of the chamber made each sound of my movements intensely erotic.

Day 2 - Dose: 20mg of MDPV

Craving more intensity, I doubled the dose. The effects were immediate and overwhelming. My mind raced at lightning speed, filled with a torrent of thoughts and ideas. I became obsessed with intricate details, scrutinizing every aspect of my environment. The silence of the chamber amplified every sound I made, turning the simplest noise into a symphony. The euphoria was potent, and the gooning sessions became more intense. Every touch, every sensation was magnified, plunging me into hours of ecstatic exploration of my own body. The pornographic material seemed to come alive, each scene a vivid, immersive experience that drew me deeper into a state of relentless arousal.

Day 3 - Dose: 30mg MDPV

By the third day, I was deep in the grip of MDPV. My mind was a whirlwind of euphoria and agitation. I felt like I could conquer the world from within my isolated lair. Paranoia intensified. I imagined invisible entities lurking in the shadows, and the silence of the chamber became oppressive. I was sweating profusely, my heart racing. Gooning had turned into a marathon of relentless, euphoric self-pleasure, my mind and body locked in an endless feedback loop of arousal and release. My obsession with my own pleasure was all-consuming. The hours slipped away unnoticed as I lost myself in an abyss of pornographic indulgence and physical stimulation.

Day 4 - Dose: 40 milligrams MDPV

The escalation continued. I lost track of time, reality blurring into a surreal, hyper-stimulated haze. The euphoria was almost unbearable, teetering on the edge of insanity. My thoughts were erratic, jumping from one idea to the next with dizzying speed. I felt invincible, yet deeply paranoid. I barricaded myself further in the chamber, convinced that I was being watched. The anechoic chamber, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison. Gooning became frenzied, my body driven by a relentless need for stimulation. Every moment was spent in pursuit of the next peak of pleasure, my mind trapped in a cycle of compulsive, obsessive masturbation. The pornographic scenes became increasingly extreme, mirroring my descent into a dark, insatiable abyss.

Day 5 - Dose: 50mg of MDPV

The peak of my descent. The euphoria was a violent force, pushing me to the brink of madness. My mind was a cacophony of thoughts, paranoia rampant. I was hallucinating vividly, seeing shadows move, hearing whispers in the silence. My body was exhausted, but my mind refused to rest. I was in a state of hyper-alertness, convinced of unseen threats. The anechoic chamber felt like it was closing in on me. Trapped in a nightmare of my own making, gooning became a desperate act of clinging to pleasure in the face of growing fear. My body ached from the relentless stimulation, but I couldn't stop. The screens were my only refuge, the scenes of debauchery my only solace.

Day 6 - Dose: 30mg of MDPV

Realizing I was spiraling out of control, I reduced the dose. The euphoria dulled slightly, but the paranoia lingered. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. I tried to meditate, to find some semblance of peace, but the relentless stimulation made it nearly impossible. I spent hours pacing the chamber, trying to calm my racing thoughts. The silence was no longer comforting; it was a deafening roar. Gooning sessions continued, though less frenzied, still an escape from the oppressive silence and paranoia. My body yearned for rest, but my mind craved the fleeting highs of arousal.

Day 7 - Dose: 20mg MDPV

On the final day, I took a significantly lower dose. The effects were milder, and I could finally start to gather my thoughts. I spent the day in deep reflection, trying to make sense of the chaotic journey. The anechoic chamber, which had been a place of intense experiences, now felt like a purgatory I needed to escape. I journaled my thoughts, attempting to process the whirlwind of the past week. Gooning sessions became sporadic, more about finding closure than seeking pleasure. I felt a strange mixture of relief and regret as the experience drew to a close.


Emerging from my subterranean sanctuary, I felt a mixture of relief and bewilderment. The journey had been a wild, intense ride—a rollercoaster of euphoria, paranoia, and profound introspection. The silence of the anechoic chamber had amplified every sensation, turning the experience into a fever dream of self-discovery and madness.

Looking back, the week-long MDPV endeavor was an unforgettable exploration of the extremes of human consciousness. It taught me the razor-thin line between euphoria and paranoia, the profound impact of isolation on the psyche, and the consuming nature of obsessive pleasure. The process of cleansing my thoughts had been essential, but nothing could have fully prepared me for the intensity of the experience and the depths of gooning that followed.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 118166
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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