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Mixing These Two Substances at a Low Dose
Salvia divinorum & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   bag clip. "Mixing These Two Substances at a Low Dose: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp118212)". Sep 25, 2024.

1 cup oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
  1 leaf smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
Low Dose Combo of Salvia and Shrooms

At the time of this writing I have not been able to find many if any coherent reports of how mushrooms and salvia interact with one another, and so for this trip I set out to satisfy my curiosity. The goal here is not to “trip balls” but rather to cleanly recap how it felt to mix these two substances at a low enough dose as to extrapolate how to interact at higher doses.

For this trip I sourced some plain leaf salvia divinorum from an online vendor, for the mushrooms I grew my own cubensis, from which I made tea. One point of error I can't really account for is that this tea had been frozen and then thawed in the fridge for about a month prior to use. That in tandem with the fact I can't exactly remember the number of grams I initially made the tea with means I can't really give an accurate testament to the mushroom dosage. That being said, it was a minimal but very much noticeable trip which felt to be the strength of around a 1.0 - 1.5 gram dose.

I set aside the day with some friends who were wanting to trip for the first time (which went really well for them, so yay) and my partner who agreed to sit. I made some space in my living room, and after doing some basic trip prep they drank their respective doses. I dosed myself after them by about an hour, and after I began feeling the effects got ready to smoke. It is worth mentioning that all of this was agreed upon by everyone beforehand.

Going into the trip I was feeling excited, and adventurous. Pretty much all apprehension was absent and generally my life has been going pretty well recently. By the time I was ready to smoke my friends were doing their own thing, and while my friends were interested in what I was doing there was not really any aura of tension regarding being watched. It is also worth mentioning here that I generally enjoy tripping around other people. I have been building a reverse tolerance with salvia for the past several months and so I was not expecting to need to smoke very much to get a result.

Immediately after the first hit the salvia was dominating over the mushrooms.
Immediately after the first hit the salvia was dominating over the mushrooms.
Remember I am smoking plain leaf here, not an extract. While I have been building my reverse tolerance, this was waaaaaayyy more effective than I was expecting. It was by no means overwhelming, but I did get some classic salvia-esque effects: slight expanding of perspective, and salvia gravity were the main immediately evident effects. I took a couple more hits to pretty much the same result. The best way I can describe it is that salvia relates to mushrooms the way mushrooms relate to weed.

The latter supports the former making the former more intense while the latter stays in the background, that is until one wears off. It was obvious to me that I would be able to break through on the 4x purple sticky extract if I chose to smoke it then. I smoked that extract the next weekend and was almost able to break through with two pretty big hits.

Salvia is amplified by mushrooms to an intense degree, and if you are ever in a place to combine them, you need to be even more diligent to prevent harm than you would be if you were just smoking the salvia.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118212
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 25, 2024Views: 15
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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