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A New Molecule
Citation:   Steve0. "A New Molecule: An Experience with DPT (exp11914)". Feb 15, 2002.

80 mg insufflated DPT (liquid)
Usel, Mars and I sat down for to meet a new molecule. We were in my small apartment sitting on the floor and had some ambient Eastern influenced music rolling on the laptop w/winamp providing good visuals. Surrounded w/pillows and music we had a good safe setting for a new experience.

Mars had tried smoking it before but did not have a totally positive experience. We decided to get our 80 miligram dose into solution and administer it nasally. We had 10cc syringes which we removed the sharp from and dribbled the solution down our nose. This was effective but somewhat unpleasant and kept me tied to my body. Mars started to go via nasal path but when it hit his passages he said 'screw this' and went into the bathroom for anal administration. While this might sound odd it believe that this method produces the best results. Mars had none of the unpleasant sinus effects that Usel and I did.

Once administered we took note of the time (10:00pm). Initial onset of sensation began @ +10 and we were full bore @ +30 (altho i can't say exactly b/c i was not in this plane). The experience was hard and fast. I remember Mars saying that no matter how far you go out you'll be back in an hour. That was true but it was a bit more than an hour to be level again.

As I said the experrience was hard and fast. Once it took off I was hard pressed to have present focus. I could open my eyes and look @ the visuals but why, I just closed my eyes and drifted off into the DPT space again. I noticed that Mars had a very beatific smile as he sat in half lotus w/eyes closed. I was, on the otherhand, battling with the sensations in my sinus cavities that kept me relatively earthbound. Usel said the same. I did get out some as the discomfort came in waves. It was so intense that I have trouble remembering or describing exactly how it felt. I do know that my ego was stripped away @ moments (but there was that pesky sinus pain again).

At +75 min. we were able to engage w/the world somewhat and @ +90 we could talk to each other again. I was still in and out for another 2 hours as the plateau decayed. Mars dropped faster as his administration hit the system and was out quickly. Usel and I both experienced rushes as we would inhale or snort to ease our aching sinuses. We were able to gather outselves by +3hr and decided to head back to our homes. The deciding factor was 'Can I drive?', 'I think I can'. We took Usel home, Mars and I decided to have breakfast. This was now +4 hr and I was finally winding down. I had liittle trouble shutting down to sleep. I did feel a off the next day, neither Mars nor Usel reported any after effects however.

For me I felt very drained and a bit disassociated from the rest of the world. It took a day to recover fully. I did notice another effect that was good, I did not have the desire to drink alcohol (usually a daily thing) for the next couple of days. I would liike to explore that further and see what sort of self programming/deprogramming could be done there.

All in All it was a good experience. I'm not sure what I brought back and still unsure of the full landscape I saw. It was an interesting space like I said hard and fast. I will take a bit of doing to map it further but I'm sure I'll make the effort.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2002Views: 13,505
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DPT (21) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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