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Salvia divinorum, Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis
by 33
Citation:   33. "Warped: An Experience with Salvia divinorum, Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis (exp11986)". Feb 9, 2023.

  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
I had smoked a fresher bowl of Salvia before, but it didn't work well. Just last night, I had a surprising experience with the plant. I was on Adderall, and a little high, when I was offered a bowl of salvia. I saw someone on it running around the living room and thought, 'damn, he's wacked.' I had thought salvia would be weaker than pot, due to its legality. Little did I know, however, what I was in for! The Salvia came from some place in Mexico, bought online. The girl who gave it to me said, 'I enjoy giving everyone a little piece of madness.'

Anyway, I took a pretty big hit from a waterpipe. I let the flame stay on long and held the hit as long as I could, as instructed. About 10 sec. from releasing my hit, I stood up, and it instantly hit me. My conversation stopped dead in its tracks and I looked around the room in bewilderment. The walls and scene of my friend's bedroom looked split into sections, lined up vertically. Each 'section' looked like a triangle or a pennant, one of those triangular flags you often see for sports teams. Each pennant made up a piece of the bedroom, and each seemed to be on a different level. As I tried to move or talk, they moved towards me and strange noises occurred as they moved.

Everything turned into a 3D picture where there are staircases on the ceilings and they lead to nothing, etc. I tried to communicate with my friends (my mistake), but no words could come out. I barely remember what they said to me. I stared in awe at my partitioned view of a 4D world!
Everything turned into a 3D picture where there are staircases on the ceilings and they lead to nothing, etc. I tried to communicate with my friends (my mistake), but no words could come out. I barely remember what they said to me. I stared in awe at my partitioned view of a 4D world!
I thought of a typewriter when those triangular sections came towards me, like a letter stamp pounding on a sheet of paper. I also felt restrained in my body. Talking was impossible, and with every movement, I felt like I was being pushed backwards and downwards. It was so strong, I remained half standing up and half sitting down, and remained there a while. Finally, I sat down and laughed at the visuals I had just seen. Everything seemed to rotate in a mechanical motion a few degrees in a counter clockwise direction. And, as quickly as that world came to me, it began to wane away.

Those perforations or pennants (or whatever) disappeared and my vision was normal again. Lasted around 1 minute, but I still could not talk as well. It was as if my normal consciousness was put on the back burner as the Salvia took control. It really did feel, too, that I was looking into a forgotten realm, one constantly present yet never seen or understood.

Next time I use salvia, I now know to treat it as a mystical journey and not like its just like another bowl of weed. I had absolute no idea that it was going to happen, and was quite surprised when it did. Luckily, I have experienced other psychoactive drugs before and could handle it. But even as an experienced user, Salvia shocked me like no other! I am amazed at its power. It's, hands down, the strongest thing I've ever smoked.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2023Views: 290
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Salvia divinorum (44), Amphetamines (6), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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