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Like a 5 Year Old at Disneyland
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Insatiable. "Like a 5 Year Old at Disneyland: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp12116)". Feb 24, 2002.

95 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is my 3rd time on AMT. At 6 PM I took 95 mg orally in a gelcap and two of my friends took 60 mg orally, same method. We had all eaten light non-Tyramine foods and had no medicines or anything that may interact dangerously. We started walking around a snow covered lake smoking. I soon became philosophically inclined, and started explaining to them how (I think) AMT works. After about 3 joints and 5 bowls we were all very high and decided to sit down. I felt it first then, something was odd, it wasn’t the pot, something was off. They were both first timers to AMT and also said 'something was weird'.

I went of into the trees to take a piss and it first came on, about t+1 hr. I was pissing and all of the sudden I had the strangest sensation I was in an Aztec jungle. The snow briefly turned to brown stand before I snapped out of it. Lights were definitely brighter and had massive auras, and some nausea was present; it felt like i had eaten a large piece of stale hard bread. Everything started becoming more ‘associated’ by now. Nothing was simply ‘just a bench’. It was a bench with a history and brother benches all over the world that had all kinds of people sitting on them.

t+1:30. Were still walking around smoking, becoming more and more trippy/speedy/stoned. I saw a white car pass by and I thought I heard one of my friends say 'cop.' I got really paranoid and almost threw the joint in the snow but it passed before I did such a rash thing. Streetlights became very interesting, slowly turning shades, and they were shooting out tentacles of light energy that danced slowly back and forth like a giant luminescent octopus.

t+2. We meet up with another friend and I dose him 40 mg. Around this time was probably the freakiest part of the trip. There was a piece of dirty ice in the road and all four of us thought it a dead squirrel. We're all walking up to it to check out a dead animal and it’s a block of ice. We marvel at this for about 10 minutes and then walk on. Nausea present but a fading memory.

t+3. Very trippy by now, patterns, motions, melting, trails, the whole bit. Including massive jaw clenching. We go to a friends house and smoke more. I was going very hard now. I couldn’t even tall if i was actually smoking or not. I kept forgetting what i was doing and looking at a trippy vortex black light poster (We were in his basement listening to PF Animals - Awesome AMT album)

t+4. Holy shit trippy, but not scary trippy. Everything’s going crazy, mists, fractals, 5X vision, faces popping out of walls, voices, some OBE's if you concentrate hard enough, but fleeting ones at that. Only words said (With huge grins and locked jaws): Wow. This is fucking crazy. This is cool as hell. Yea) We found some cool toys to play with: Mirrors, glasses of water, fluorescent lights (There were little neon bugs crawling around in it in a double helix pattern), and darkness. At just above complete darkness ghost people were coming out of nowhere. The music is definitely driving the trip, long instrumental sections become almost overly intense: I can feel the music traveling around the room, and occasionally the intensity borders on the extreme. I realize how much of a shame it is that I cannot experience music like this all the time. It is the only way.

t+5 On the road again, finally hit the peak I think, its going to be a long ride from here. We walk to another person’s house and somehow manage to get there. Every 5 seconds its: Where we going again? What is going on? Wait that is not right... We stop occasionally to skate on some ice sheets in the road and marvel at the elastic trees that blow up on our faces. The branches start multiplying and growing up and soon they cover the whole sky like blood vessels over an internal organ. It like we were all 5 year olds with an attention span of 1 second and no short-term memory. All of this isn’t threatening though, probably due to AMT's happy speedy side, and boy were we speedy. We’re walking full speed around when we do walk and not getting anywhere close to tired.

t+6 Chilling at the new place, try to smoke some more from a big ass hookah, very unproductive as we have no motor control at all. I spend 10 minutes staring into a metal knife freaking everyone out (I was never going to use it, i was just looking at how it bent my reflection. This place has glow in the dark stars on the walls and ceiling, damn those were awesome. I stare at them and they start zooming by my and for a minute I was floating in a blank space of tiny lights at fast speeds. I swear to god this drug turns you into a 5 year old at Disneyland, everything’s amazing and interesting, especially nature.

t+6:30 Domestic turmoil, somehow cops showed up and we, already out of our fucking minds, got really confused and split up accidentally leaving, but soon reunited and tried vainly to find out what the hell just happened. [Note – The cops weren’t for us apparently]

t+7 Sitting on a bridge over a river screaming out random statements of awe. The visuals by now were of the utmost caliber. I can barely see where in town I am. I started philosophizing again saying that trails are because our eyes are taking pictures every second, but not advancing the film until every 5 seconds, so everything gets exposed more then once. Everyone blindly agrees. Were also living one second behind cause by the time the light reaches our eyes and gets processed the scene has changed.

t+7:30 Went to Wawa to get some water, got lost inside. Oi. Couldn’t tell what bill was what. We must have looked strange, standing around starting at anything shiny. I started talking about how the world would look if our eyes couldn't see the normal visible spectrum and saw something else. What other colors are there? Drank the water, by now it was about 1:30 and still going strong. We play in some snow in the now for a bit. Its cold but its warm at the same time. I’m experiencing the coldness without the unpleasantness. (Like getting burned and not feeling pain, just warmth)

t+8 We part company and depart home, still peaking I believe (At least I was) I gather painstakingly my cool tripping CD's (Radiohead, PF, and some Comp Cd I made with Shpongle and Oakenfeld), put them on auto repeat and lie down with headphones in my dark room. Damn. Holy shit. Its like looking thorough a badly tuned color TV. Nothing is straight, Things bend and warp out of control. Furniture trails onto the roof. I can make my LCD clock float around the room. I feel like I am being born every second and placed into a new body in an unfamiliar surrounding for exploration. Every object calls out for closer look, and everything is different when inspected. Thoughts race through my head about everything. Its as if my consciousness has been given the 'computer of me' and is looking through the files in my head, but I am in my head, not my body. I am my conciousness; there is no need for the body. I can replay memories and relive events on command. There is life behind closed eyelids. I spend about 3.5 hours like this completely lost before I stumble to the bathroom and take some valium (25 mg). I lie back down and soon pass out

t+ ~14 Open eyes, damnit its 10 AM and I am still tripping a bit. The hangover begins. This is what I imagine coming down from a week of straight meth use would be like. I can barely more and my head is spinning like nothing. Take a lot of Advil and try to pass out again.

t+ ~17 Still feeling like shit but better shit. I get up and eat. I still see patterns on white surfaces and something’s still wave, but most of it is gone I believe. I’m still thinking weird though.

Except for the very bad hangover, this trip was the best one yet. I had little nausea and never purged. The body load and intensity/duration make it a special occasion only substance. The body load especially. Near the end of the comedown, it feels as though you've been injected with lactic acid, sat on by an elephant, and not eaten for 4 days - at best. My jaw muscles are very well exercised after this though. Now if only I had this when tool came last November…

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12116
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2002Views: 10,397
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AMT (7) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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