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A Pill Called The Matrix
Unknown & Cannabis
Citation:   Matt G. "A Pill Called The Matrix: An Experience with Unknown & Cannabis (exp12332)". Feb 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral Unknown  
  T+ 15:00 Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
About 2 weeks ago I had the chance to experience the most mind altering substance I have ever done. About 3 months ago I started to hear about a pill called the matrix. They said it was a troll pill. My friend started to experiment with it, he told me that he was in the best state of mind he had ever reached. He encouraged me to try it and at first I was hesitant, but when I learned what the effects were I was totally interested.

A few weeks had passed and I had the time and the money to try the matrix. We spent all day preparing for the night time event. We bought vics, glowsticks, and pacifiers for the roll and small toys and cigarettes for the trip. I took my pill at about 7:30 and I knew that it was about a 20-40 hour mindstate. I chose not to eat anything that dayso my pill kicked in in about 7 minutes.

It started out with a very nice and calm trip until I got into the dance room, from then on I was officially 'Trippin Ballz'. It was at the point were I could talk to a stuffed animal and have a conversation with him more complex then I could ever have with any human being. About 1 hour after I dropped it I started to vomit. It wasn't that bad, it actually was neat to look at while your tripping.

About 4 to 5 hours into the process I started to blow up as if I took 5 ex beans. It was the most intense blowing up I had ever had and it was neat to be tripping while blowing up. From then on it was just basically a trade off, one minute I would be blowing up and the next I couldn't tell if I was in a video game or in real life.

About 15 hours into my experience I started to get extremely tired and wanted very badly to go to sleep. I tried, but failed miserably. I soon realized that I was irritated and frightened very easily. I decided to go and lay in bed and just look and try to get some sleep. When I was in the bed I saw the craziest things I had every seen. When I closed my eyes it was as bright as daylight and I imagined that I was a car for a video game and was going through ancient ruins of Egypt.
I imagined that I was a car for a video game and was going through ancient ruins of Egypt.

I have experimented with mushrooms and LSD many times, but the trip I received from the matrix surpasses them all. Before I knew it the sun was up, I was still tripping hard and I was looking forward to the day I had ahead of me. The first thing we did when we got back to my house from my friends, was smoke marijuana. Each hit intensified my trip by multiples of 10. It was amazing. I continued to trip until the following night at 2:30 a.m., which is about a 34 hour troll.

For me it had multiple ups and downs. I really enjoyed the trip it was rather pleasant, except when around sober people. I didn't like at all the fact that if I wanted to go to sleep I couldn't do it. The major drawback of the matrix I found out about a week later. I had developed major trails on all moving objects. I had also found out that when I eat citrus products or drink orange juice, about 10-40 minutes later I would start to endure a hour or hour and a half very intense trip.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12332
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2021Views: 880
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