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Absolute Insanity
Citation:   Noerfnoen. "Absolute Insanity: An Experience with AMT (exp12357)". Feb 12, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral AMT (capsule)
  T+ 3:00 2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (leaves)
Dosage: ?? An Immodium Capsule full.
Body Weight: 150 lbs.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Date of Dosing: Feb 1, 2002

A couple of my friends aquired a few grams of aMT, and I had done it twice previously. The first time I did it was about a year before this, and the second was about 2 weeks before this trip.

My previous trips on AMT were both very pleasant, but sort of mild, mostly just a real tired feeling and some minor visual and auditory distortions. I figured the dose I was taking this time was fairly close to what I had done the previous two times. At the time of the trip I had been taking Acutane, a prescription antiacne medication, for about two weeks. I had read up on it, and didn't find any warnings anywhere about drug interactions. I am fairly experienced with LSD, and I thought I was prepared for just about anything. Four friends that I have known for a few years were also there, and they had all taken similar doses to what I had taken.

I took the capsule around 9:00 PM. About an hour after I took it I began to notice the first effects; a tingly feeling, and feelings of being both hot and cold at the same time. I talked with my friends and listened to music until about 12:00 AM. We smoked a few bowls an a couple of joints of some low quality buds out of a pipe. I didn't really feel high from the buds, but I did feel a little more tired. Normally about this time of the trip, I have a bit of energy and it feels good to move around, but I had been up all day this time and, I was feeling rather tired. I noticed that time was passing alot slower than it does when I'm sober, and my friends said they noticed the same thing. The visuals were a bit more intense than usual at this point; If I looked at the wall it was discolored and parts of it seemed to float out at me and move around a bit.

I was feeling rather spaced out at this point, and unable or unwilling to have a meaningful conversation, so I went into the other room and listend to music on the headphones on the computer for awhile. After about 15 minutes I got up to use the restroom. When I got into the bathroom I looked at my self in the mirror, and almost immediately my reflection started to change shapes, and I began to look rather evil. This was amusing so I stared at my reflection for about 5 minutes longer, forgetting about using the restroom. One of my friends came in and needed to use the restroom so I stepped out, and sat down at another computer. There was an X-10 camera popup add on the screen, with a graphic that showed a picture of a house, with the camera moving up and down repeatedly showing different portions of the front of the house. This was fascinating to me, and I stared at it for about 10 minutes, then realized what I was doing, and got up to go back to the restroom.

This time I got right to business, but it took me awhile to start pissing because I couldn't tell if I had the valve that lets the piss out open or not. Eventually I finished, and looked back at the mirror. This time it was alot crazier, the mirror looked like liquidy, just like the mirror that Neo sees after he takes the pill in 'The Matrix'. There were whirlpools all over the place in it, and i looked extremely different. Horns grew on the top of my head, but were still covered by hair. I was totally discolored, and utterly amazed. I had never had any visuals like that before.

I went out of the bathroom, and layed down on a bed. My thoughts were very sporadic at this time, and I couldn't maintain a complex thought pattern for very long at all. The T.V. was on, but I didn't realize it and thought I was just hearing things. I couldn't make out what any of the voices were saying or what any of the noises were. The closed eye visuals were intense, ranging from complex patterns to random statue like figures that I really don't remember in much detail. One of my friends came in the room and started playing around on a computer, but didn't pay any attention to me. Another one came in and looked at me, and at that time the person on the computer looked at me, and made a comment about how I was tripping out. The other one said something about me just being insane, and then walked out.

I don't remember much detail for the next hour after this. I stared
at the room not having any idea what I was doing, or even really where I was. I had trouble differitiating sight from sound; I remember everything just being jumbled in my brain. I remember thinking that nothing I had ever read as far as AMT experiences go was anything like what I was experiencing. I began to think that I had snapped; gone insane permanatley. This was the main thought that occupied my brain for the next 30 minutes or so; I was very confused and filled with intense feelings of sorrow. I was filled with regret for what had happened to me, and very upset that I would never be able to do what I really wanted to do in life now. After awhile, every now and then I began to think intelligent thoughts, and was able to tell where I was and make sense of some things. I decided I must have taken more than I thought I had, or the Acutane had interacted with the AMT to intensify the trip.

I continued to lay down for another 20 minutes or so, and eventually got up and went to the other room where my friends were sitting around a table talking. I had a lot of energy at this point, and I was bouncing my leg up and down. My hands were trembling slighty, and my eyes were shaking a bit also, and didn't really move in a coordinated manner. I listened to my friends talk for awhile, not saying much, and shifted back and forth between laying my head down on the table and staring at the wall. I was still very incoherent at this point, and felt very tired, yet I was unable to sleep. After a few hours I got a sleeping bag out and crashed on the floor for a couple of hours, just zoned out, not sleeping at all.

Around 9:00am I decided I was sober enough to drive home, and did so, where I just layed in bed for about 2 and a half hours, sleeping very lightly for about an hour. At this time I got up and took a shower and went in to work. I felt very tired and incoherent, so I only stayed at work for about an hour. I went back home and drifted in and out of sleep until about 10:00 PM, when I got and at some food. After this I smoked a cigarette and went back to sleep.

This trip was much more insane than any trip I have ever had before. It wasn't exactly enjoyable in the sense that some drugs like ecstacy or LSD at low doses can be enjoyable, but over all I was very pleased with the experience. To be put in the state of mind I was put in is an amazing and totally unforgetable experience. Some how being in a such state of utter confusion can make me appreciate the world around me more, and it sure gives me something to think about.

The hour or so I spent laying on the bed was probbably the craziest hour of my life, and I feel more enlightened, or empowered now than I did before it. There is something about going from being totally sane, to being totally insane in 4 hours, and then back to being mostly sane again in another 4 hours, that is very difficult to describe, and cannot be be fully understood unless it is experienced first hand. I was very relieved to find out that I had not gone insane, but had just been taken by suprise by a very weird drug.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12357
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2002Views: 9,240
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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