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Travels With the Green Goddess
Salvia Divinorum
Citation:   senorsalvia. "Travels With the Green Goddess: An Experience with Salvia Divinorum (exp12388)". Feb 15, 2023.

4 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
Finally had a chance to experience the wonder of Salvia. I purchased my Sally from a friend I had met on one of the large entheo boards. My previous drug usage consists of approximately 35yrs worth of near daily pot usage, hundreds of LSD trips, a few mescaline trips, a couple of nights of cocaine use, a couple nights of meth use and a year and a half of being a daily junkie shooting heroin while playing soldier overseas.

I packed my pipe and used a torch lighter to fire up the bowl. I was surprised that the smoke seemed to not expand the lungs the way pot does. As I exhaled the first lungful, I got a light heat rush, and an awareness that I was 'about to get off'. I took another hit, and then could feel the pulse pounding in my chest. I was a bit concerned, not knowing exactly how I was feeling. As I exhaled the fourth hit, 'I Happened!' I found myself grinning in a triplike fashion.

The world had taken on a heightened sense of being more 'There'. It was distinctly like I feel and how I see things when I am about a half an hour away from peaking on some decent LSD. I was sitting on my porch, looking across the street at a police car. (My neighbor is a cop) and I began laughing at the absurdist!! Here I was, feeling like I had done some good Acid! A car went by and the sounds of the wheels on the pavement seemed to be magnified. The whole outdoors seemed more 'alive', more 'real'. My mind was completely clear while the world had that distinctly cartoonish look to it
The whole outdoors seemed more 'alive', more 'real'. My mind was completely clear while the world had that distinctly cartoonish look to it
that I see as being one of the standard hallmarks of an LSD trip. I was amazed by what I was getting out of my new green ally!!

The whole 'trip' lasted maybe 12 to 15 minutes. I then was left with a nice peaceful feeling that seemed so positive, so serene; it was nearly zen-like in it's calm beauty! In conclusion, I can only say I am amazed and thankful to have been able to meet The Green Goddess!!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2023Views: 243
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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