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Aphrodesiac!?! (Like a virgin)
Citation:   Youdontknowme. "Aphrodesiac!?! (Like a virgin): An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp12398)". Erowid.org. Feb 12, 2002. erowid.org/exp/12398

4.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I have just really begun my psychonautic experiences lately, although I tried my first psychoactive over 5 years ago. I just discovered the power of the internet. I am the type who favors psychedelics but usually at low doses. My idea of a great night is a gram and a half of cubensis taken outdoors around sunset. Although I've tripped over a hundred times I hate to trip hard, and just two grams of cubensis primordia once sent me to a place I'd rather not go again. But anyway...to the point.

I ran into a pretty good supply of 5-MeO-DMT about three weeks ago and have since smoked it about 5 times and this report describes my second attempt at insufflation. I should first say that I have a very low tolerance for psychoactives of all kinds. (see above) My first experiences with smoking 5-MeO-DMT kind of turned me off as the nausea I felt ruined it, as well as the intensity of the come on. Even just .5 mg still hurt my gut.

But before throwing the shit away and giving up, i thought i'd try snorting it. I'd heard this route gives more of a psilocybin-like high. So I did. First time I took it too easy since I needed less when smoked than others I've read about. I took 1mg and nothing happened so I took another 3 mg. This led to only minor changes that quickly wore off. I should note that it does burn. A lot.

However, two nights ago I succeeded in finding the nature of this substance. My girlfriend had said she wanted to try snorting after I told her it was a lot friendlier this way as opposed to smoking. I found my preweighed stash of individual, varying doses and grabbed two that said 4. We cut it up and snorted. Three minutes later it hit. It was a pleasant, reasonably paced come on. My partner, however seemed to be overwhelmed. We went into the bedroom and plopped ourselves down to study the intricacies of the ceiling. I also was far from sober, but was completely enjoying the effects. It was somewhat reminiscent of acid (although I haven't touched that for 5 years) with just a hint of visual disturbance. I reached my peak after about 10 minutes while I assured my girl that it would be gone soon. Thankfully it wasn't though, not completely.

Anyway...just after the peak the two of us started to do some touching. I found my way to the nether-regions and it felt so good, that all i could think about was my first awkward sexual experiences. Eventually we got naked, and I swear it was like I had never been naked with a girl before. This sex was so incredible I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing I felt so good. It truly was much better than my first 10 orgasms. And everybody remembers how good those were. After what was a really long time spent fucking, we both looked at each other and exchanged ideas about what just happened. 'That was fucking awesome, amazing, etc.'

It was like I just lost my virginity. Wish that would have been as good as this was.

5-MeO-DMT is definitely worth a try as an aphrodisiac. Wait until just after the peak (so you have a chance at concentrating). Get naked. You won't be let down.

Down with scheduling.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12398
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2002Views: 16,534
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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