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Definite Speediness, Not an Effective Dose
Citation:   Anonymous. "Definite Speediness, Not an Effective Dose: An Experience with AM-DIPT (exp12406)". Feb 6, 2002.

7.0 mg insufflated AM-DIPT (powder / crystals)
On 9/14/99 @ 5:30 pm, I snorted ~7mg of alpha methyl diisopropyltryptamine. Slight effects were noticable by about 6pm. At 6:30, slight stimulation was evident similar to AMT. AT 7:30 definite speediness, no visuals, ate dinner, food seemed to taste slightly metallic.

At 8:30, still speedy, but no anticholinergic effects noted. 9:30, went to bed, read until 10:30. Slept fitfully. Arose @ 6:30 am with no apparent after effects. Conclusions: comes on slower than DPT, feels similar to AMT, has a short action.

7mg does not appear to be an effective dose.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 12406
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2002Views: 21,715
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