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Eating Seeds is a Pastime Activity
Morning Glory
Citation:   Lokee. "Eating Seeds is a Pastime Activity: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp12463)". Feb 26, 2007.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
A couple days ago, I got online website and read all the facts about a lot of different substances. The one that stood out most in my mind was morning glory seeds. I thought for sure that it was a little bit overrated, and probably exaggerated, but being the lodi that I am, and the fact that I have been feinding for a psychedelic experience for some time now, I decided to give it a shot.

I called a good friend of mine that likes to experiment with new things, and told him about it. We decided that it couldn't hurt anything just to give it a shot. So we went to the garden center at Wal-mart, and bought 5 1.8 gram packages of Heavenly Blues. I had read all of the different ways to prepare them, and decided that I was far too lazy to go through the whole process.

At about 6:00 pm we both chewed and swallowed all of the seeds and washed them down with orange juice. Despite a few reports of the seeds not have too bad of a taste, I have to say that they were extremely NASTY. About 30 minutes later, I started to feel a bit light headed, and had a slight strobe light time effect in all of my peripheral areas.

Then came nausia. It wasn't unbearable at first, but about an hour in, I was having real trouble. My friend was also not feeling too well, so we decided that we were in good enough shape to drive a the 2 or 3 blocks to get some pepto. Two chewable tablets did the trick. My nausia was gone, and we were almost two hours into our adventure. This was when the seeds started to make their presence felt.

We turned of the lights an lit a few candles. We put in Tool, 'ænima' and it was an amazing thing. His cd player is shitty, so we didn't get to listen to much, but it was enough for me to be able to tell that the trip was fixin to get really good. We were now about 2 and a half hours into it, and things were starting to get very interesting.

I noticed that the celing had began to melt, and I pointed this out to my friend. He was absoulutely amazed, because he had never tripped on anything before. For around an hour, we stared at the celing, and the floor, and anything else for that matter. We went and filled up the bathtub, and watched in awe as the water even had a melting effect.

I was begining to grow tired of this melting effect, so I suggested that we go to the bedroom, and watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. We started the movie at around 9:45 or ten, and I think that it triggered something. I was now watchin my friend grow another arm out of his chest, and I saw a big fat man in the corner of the room. He was wearin nothing but boxer shorts, and was pointing his fingers at me, and everything in the room. This man informed us that his name was Jim. We figured out that we could control our trips easily, and if we were verbal about what we were seeing, then we could both experience the same thing.

At any given time thoughout the rest of our trip there would be up to 4 or 5 'other people' in the room with us. We turned on all of the lights and realized that the trip was more intense in darkness. At one point (not sure of the time now cuz it was nonexistent) I looked over at my friends face, and I saw my facial feature bleed through out of his, and it appeared that I was looking in a mirror.

My friend fell asleep at around 7 a.m. and I remained awake and pondered all of the mysteries of life, and drugs. I came to these conclusions: We are all in a big fishbowl, if you will, and the higher power just watches us interact with each other, when on a psychodelic the eye is given special powers to see things that are there that the naked eye cannot i.e. germs, ghosts, and the glass of the giant fishbowl, and that there is definately a stairway to Heaven in my friend's bedroom.

Overall I have to say that it was one of the best times I have ever had. I have done quite a bit of acid, and this is different from that. I am not really sure what it is about it that makes it different, cuz they are very similar, but I had a better time on morning glories than I ever have on acid. I have to advise everyone that is wanting to try something new and fun to do this. Make sure you have some pepto around though, and be prepared for something that is, well, amazing.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2007Views: 8,205
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