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I Can't Focus on the Words
Citation:   mary j. "I Can't Focus on the Words: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp12466)". Jan 1, 2020.

T+ 0:00
600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
One afternoon I was feeeling ill at school so I decided to go home and rest. When I got home I decided to take some motion sickness pills(Dimnehydrinate) to ease my stomache ache.I took three 50mg pills, and realized a noticable difference in my sense of reality so to speak. I decided then to research more about Dimenhydrinate the following morning on a harm reduction website. I decided to try taking this drug to see what effects could be produced. I had read online that people have experienced hallucinations from this drug in excessive amounts. I'm usually not one to pop pills without prior experiences or suseptable knowledge of the drug. This would turn out to be my first so-called trip on a pharmecutical. I wasn't aware of exactly what this drug actually had in store for me.

7:45 I took twelve 50mg Dimenhydrinate motion sickness pills before going to school as usual. The experiences I had read intrigued me to try this drug.

8:45 I arrived at school, went to classs, and put my head down and closed my eyes to see if I could see any visual hallucinations. Not expecting to see anything I was suprised to see wave patterns flowing across my vision at various brightnesses. When I opened my eyes it seemed as if I was fine except for a little buzz, that felt like I do now after a few beers. My motor skills seeemed to be slower then usual especially walking afterstanding up.

10:20 When I got to my next class my friend had made a comment about the bigger than usually size of my pupils and eyes. I realized I was having difficulty focusing on words. I found it challenging to read due to my eyesite at that time

12:45 I smoked three joints with three buds at lunchtime before heading back to school

1:45 My third period was begining to scare me due to my reduced vision. I couldn't focus on the questions on the page for more than a quarter of a minute without my eyes tripping out.

All in all I have to say this wasn't a pleasurable experience due to the vision problems such as cross-eyed, and an inability to focus on, and read words and sentances. I had never read anything about visiual side efffects from my research, so I would like to make others aware of this so they dont face the same situation as I did.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12466
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 1, 2020Views: 913
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : General (1), First Times (2), School (35)

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