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Everything Was Different and Strange
Morning Glory
Citation:   Shibby. "Everything Was Different and Strange: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp12692)". May 5, 2007.

125 seeds oral Morning Glory
  200 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had read a substantial amount of information regarding morning glory seeds before I decided to give them a shot. Interestingly enough, my mother had given me these seeds, when I had expressed interest in them while seeing them in her house one time. After I obtained them, I counted them out and there were 250 seeds, so I called a drug-savvy friend and asked if he'd try them with me. He agreed.

While walking into town, we chewed on our 125 seeds a piece. I remembered reading that it would take 2 hours for the effects to become noticeable. So, we sat down on some church steps, waiting. My friend advised me to look around at the world, for this was the real world, and the real world was boring. Soon, he said, it would not be boring. We walked to a near gas station, and chomped down on some candy and drank a soda each. We decided to take a look into the video store, maybe we would rent a movie and watch it later while tripping.

While in the store, I started to notice a slight difference in my activity. I grabbed the movie rack, and shook it ever so slightly, making all the movies shake. While this seemed to be an irrational thing to do, it also seemed perfectly normal to me and I didn't stop for about a minute. When we left the store, there was a sidewalk connecting the nearby stores, as in a common. As I neared the end of the sidewalk, I started walking slowly, smiling, taking big, awkward steps, ignoring my friend's talking. I got to the ledge, and jumped off onto the parking lot. I laughed hysterically. I was acting really stupid, but made no effort to stop. We went back to the gas station, and I saw my other friend drive up. Even though I saw him, I decided to kick a rock back and forth between my feet. I did this for about 2 minutes, declaring to my first friend that this should be a sport. He told me that it was, and that it was called soccer.

We asked my other friend for a ride to the flower store to pick up more seeds, seeing as my friend was feeling nothing. When we got there, they were closed. So we started walking to my house. As we did, my dad pulled up! He was on his way home, and stopped to get us. I thought I was screwed, and certainly didn't want to see him, thinking it would be a buzzkill. Well, I managed to act normal. When we got to my house, we put in a movie in my room, 'Clerks'. Soon, I felt a tingling in my right hand. I started to move my arm around, it felt as if it was suspended, and I did stuff like this for about 20 minutes, shifting from one thing to antoher, as If I had massive ADD. I couldn;t stay on one thing. One event seemed like the most important thing, then I quickly stopped it and resumed another.

I didn't experience any hallucinations under the influence of LSA, but I only had 125 seeds, so that was expected. I was extremely hungry while on morning glory, as if I had the munchies. At one point, I was eating a piece of pizza, and my dog was begging me for food. I became so overcome with love for my dog, that I would do anything for him to be happy. So, I gave him the rest of my slice. I felt great seeing him eat it. I remember sitting in my closet, thinking that this was the happiest I had ever been, so euphoria was a definite effect of this drug. Overall, it was a great experience.

The next night, I bought 200 seeds and planned on eating them that night, while bowling with the same friend I had tried them with the previous day. He tried them again as well. About 2 hours into consumption, at the bowling alley I had grown angry, because all I felt was a lack of coordination and hurting joints, and it took only about 90 minutes for the effects to kick in last time, and I had a higher dosage this time!

But alas, I suddenly felt the need to play an arcade videogame. I left my lane, and played 'Crazy Taxi', where the object of the game was to pick up people and bring them to their destination swiftly and safely. My friend came over and told me it was my turn, and I told him to go ahead. This seemed odd to him, for I had previously gotten mad at him for taking my turn. When he came back later, I told him that it was my destiny to play Crazy Taxi, to drop these people off. I felt great, and played another game. It felt like I was playing amazingly, but when the scores came through, they were lower than average. Later that night, while back at my lane, I decided that I was feeling as if everything I was doing seemed like a wise choice, and I told my friend this. Everything I was doing seemed like it was the right thing to do. Notice I did not have a complete loss of judgement, I wasn't doing crazy things, calling attention to myself.

On the car ride home, I was self-analyzing contstantly. It seemed amazing to me that you could go to sleep at 5 in the morning on a weekend, wake up at noon, and still get the same amount of sleep that one gets on a school night normally. I felt wise for realizing this. Earlier in the night, I was thinking so clearly that I told my friend to remind me to act normally when I got home, because I was afraid my behavior would tip off my father, as I was doing whatever I deemed necessary, and felt as if I might disobey him horribly, and feel justified. However when he told me to act normal as we pulled up to my house, I had already been thinking about it. My thinking was clear and logical, although I was still self-analyzing a lot.

When I got home, I first went online, and met several of my friends online. I usually talked to them, but I felt tired and without energy, so I went to bed. However, while lying in bed, I felt the urge to read Bad Religion lyrics from the new CD that I had purchased a few days before. After a minute or so of doing this, I got up and got a drink downstairs. My dad seemed surprised that I was awake about a half hour after I had said good night to him. I made toast and butter, with jam and ate it. My appetite was huge.

I decided to take a hot bath, and wanted bubble bath, but we had none. I even lit a candle. My dad went upstairs and read a magazine on his bed. At this point, it was about 12:30. I got out fo the tub, and got into the bed with my dad and read the magazine with him! Note that I never ever do anything like this, having never crawled into my dad's bed with him since I was maybew 13, I'm 16 now. I decided to finish a movie that I had started the previous night, 'Malena' about an Italian prepubescant boy and his obsession with the town hottie in Sicily. I ate popcorn with the movie, and I was still very hungry. This grew tired after about 20 minutes. All my motions felt automatic, as If I was sleep walking, but I could see fine, and talk fine. I felt as if I had no energy, but I did not want to sleep either. Finally, I crawled into bed anbd got to bed. It probably took me a half an hour to fall asleep.

I would recommend using morning glroy seeds, and don't believe that bull about it won't work unless you grind them up. They don't taste that bad, however Flying Saucers taste better than Heavenly Blues.

I don't know if it was the dosage or the variety that made the difference, but note that the first time, with the Flying Saucers, I was euphoric, giddy, and uncoordinated. With the Heavennly Blues, I was not laughing at all, but took everything very seriously. I was much more self-analytic the 2nd time, and was almost afraid that I wouldn't return to my normal state, making it impossible to concentrate on schoolwork, or on simple tasks.

The day after, today, while the morning seemed like a haze, and my motions felt automatic as the previous night, my behavior became more normal as the day went on. My appetite has increased severely since ingestion of LSA, I don't know if this is because of the seeds, or a random event. Alright, peace.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 5, 2007Views: 5,976
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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