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Delightful Stimulant Effect
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   Norm de Plume. "Delightful Stimulant Effect: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp12889)". Nov 10, 2003.

2 caps oral Amanitas (dried)
I tried Amanita last night after ordering some from a well-known catalog. I had heard conflicting reports about Amanita, and was concerned about nausea, so I tried about a half a cap, found that there was no gag reaction, so the next day I took two of the caps. At first, I wasn't sure there would be any effect. I fact,I got tired, went to bed and struggled in a semi-dream state with a mild queasiness. This little internal dialogue with the possibility of vomiting was something I was familiar with, due to my (distant) past history of heavy drinking.

I noticed the first psychedelic effects, as I lay there with my eyes closed, when colorful scenes displaced each other in a manner that reminded me of rapidly changing TV channels. After about two hours of this, I opened my eyes, and this was when the experience took on a speedy and somewhat psychedelic quality. There were no real open-eye visuals to speak of. Instead, it occurred to me that this substance would be ideal at a rave as a sort of substitute for MDMA. I was highly energized, and very dissappointed that my house-mate, a philosophy major, had gone to bed. I would have liked to talk or take a walk.

I ended up walking up and down the Ave. (I live in the U. District of Seattle) I also made the mistake of chatting with a tottering twenty-something drunk, which was a waste of breath, and a drag on my highly elated frame of mind. I eventually lost him when he excused himself to urinate in a doorway, and I returned home to listen to Santana's first album on a classic rock station. The effect of the amanita on the closed-eye visual element of music listening was very pronounced, although I was also lucid enough to tire of the musical cliches which were being beaten to death. The second album would have been much better.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12889
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2003Views: 12,913
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Various (28), First Times (2), General (1)

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