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Unease In The War Room
by ljm
Citation:   ljm. "Unease In The War Room: An Experience with DMAE (exp13033)". Jan 28, 2004.

T+ 0:00
500 mg oral DMAE (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1500 mg oral DMAE (pill / tablet)
Interested in the possible cognitive and memory enhancing benefits of DMAE, I bought a bottle. Like many people, I am a little scatterbrained, and have a hard time staying on track at times. I had to call two other stores because they were out of stock. Turns out they can't keep enough of it in stock. On an empty stomach, I downed two of the big white 250MG tablets, equaling 450mg, and anticipated the effects.

After an hour of mulling around at my desktop, I began to notice a very subtle, but noticable, 'rigidness' in thinking, but no other effects were noted afterward. Dissapointed, I decided to take an attack dose at 1500mg (6 250mg tablets), again on an empty stomach. This time, the effects came on within a half-hour, starting with a very present 'rigidness' both in my head and body. My joints and neck became quite stiff, and a slight headache developed that felt like was at the top of my head. 'This is fun!', I thought sarcastically as I began drawing, dissapointed that things were pretty much the same, and not only that, I had an even harder time articulating new thoughts than usual. An interesting similarity I noticed was the 'mind awake' feeling, similer to caffeine, but not stimulant-like, and at 1500 mg, still wasn't.

After about 30 minutes of this, I got up, and started to notice something was different. I was about to learn the true character of DMAE, and he isn't an artist. The closest thing I can come to describing the character of DMAE is I feel like a general in a war room. Planning, tactics, strategy, tasks requiring me to read and comprehend directions and information, seem like food for thought, and ready to assemble into a plan, rather than draining and challanging. My mood however, was stoic, humorless, focused, and my demenior, just as rigid as my head and shoulders were physically. It seems DMAE targets not speech articulation and creativity, but logic, cognition and memory. Something students and professors alike will appreciate. I was also tempermental, and I found myself becoming annoyed more easily by other people. Something students and professors alike won't appreciate.

Conclusion: Those who suffer from manic-depression or have ADD, will love the powerful, steadying effect DMAE has on thought and emotional processes. While I don't take DMAE regularly, because I like being eccentric, scatterbrained, and spontaneous, two of my friends who go to Uni do now, with glowing results.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13033
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2004Views: 22,729
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DMAE (151) : Alone (16), General (1)

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