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Curing Insomnia
Valerian, Melatonin & Vitamin B-6
Citation:   Hedgy13. "Curing Insomnia: An Experience with Valerian, Melatonin & Vitamin B-6 (exp13125)". Feb 15, 2005.

450 mg oral Valerian
  3.0 mg oral Melatonin
  100 mg oral Vitamin B-6
I have spent around a week without much sleep. I have been going to sleep about midnight and waking up at anytime between 2am and 4am. This went on for a week. I had no dreams, and do not normally. I finally decided to do something about it and started researching sleep-aids. I noticed most sleep aids had the same stuff in them, but one I checked out had Valerian Root. I researched Valerian Root noticed a connection between it and melatonin. Repeating an experience of another user, I bought a bottle of Valerian root, Melatonin, and Vitamin B-6.

Night 1: 450mg Valerian; 3mg Melatonin; 100mg B-6. Easier to go to sleep. I had dreams for the first time in a long time. I woke up at about 4am, looked at the clock and fell back asleep! I woke up at about 5am, looked at the clock and fell asleep again! I continued to dream throughout my sleep. At 6am my alarm went off and I awoke well rested. I noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels and my mood had improved greatly. I did not get tired midway through the day, and was able to work many hours before feeling the slightest fatigue! at about 5pm, I started feeling *normal*.

Night 2: 450mg Valerian; 6mg Melatonin; 100mg B-6. I washed these down with a mountain dew. (VALERIAN TASTES BAD!!!!). in spite of the caffeine, I was dead asleep in 10 minutes. At 7am I woke up, looked at the clock and fell asleep again. I slept until noon (it's saturday). I feel fully refreshed and the only downside is a minor headache (if I'm busy I dont even notice it though). I didnt take anything, but I'm sure an excedrin would have made it go away. it is 7pm and I feel awesome!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2005Views: 24,981
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Valerian (48), Melatonin (94) : Combinations (3), Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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