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Potential Mediocrity Ends Up in the K Hole
Alcohol & Ketamine
Citation:   Socrates. "Potential Mediocrity Ends Up in the K Hole: An Experience with Alcohol & Ketamine (exp13139)". Nov 15, 2004.

3 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 kg
This happened to me last week, and if i don't write it down now I'll probably forget.

I'd been looking forward to our class party for a while now, i've recently started college, and people who study computer science are introverted to say the least, so I planned on just getting a bit tipsy and making some friends. But there was a problem - cash. My employers had failed to pay me that week, so I had €5 for the night. Half of that went on dinner, the rest on a pint. Anyways, before the party (in a city centre night club) I drank one can of miller. I dont drink much so my tolerance is low. I was mildly merry. In the club I had 2 more pints within 15 minutes of each other. It was still early, about 10pm, and I was out of money. And slightly drunk.

I was waiting for my friend to come on and dj, but the dj before him was playing well over his time slot. I began to get impatient, and remembered that my friend Cian had a wrap of Ketamine. He had mentioned in passing earlier on that day that he might do some at the party. So I approached him, and he was more than willing to accomodate. He went into a cubicle and did a line, then handed me the wrap, whrereupon myself and another friend, Alan followed suit. We opened the wrap, and in turn scooped out a fairly minimal amount each on a 5 cent piece, and sniffed it. I hadnt planned on getting too fucked, I was just hoping the K would add a comical and slightly odd tinge to the next half hour. Was I in for a surprise...

It turned out to be pure, uncut Ketamine. The fact that I had been drinking meant it affected me a lot more than it did Cian or Alan. It took about a minute or two to kick in. At first it felt like the head buzz you sometimes get from a hefty bong hit. Then, well, it was just ketamine. I find it very difficult to accurately describe the sensation. It's just like a complete narcotic overhaul on the mind. Symptoms this time included almost complete loss of sensory perception, inability to comprehend music, blurred vision, loss of any sense of time, impaired motor skills and mild hallucinations.

I also felt slightly paranoid. the night was supposed to be a social endeavor; i wanted to get to know people, maybe try it on with that hot chick in my class. There was no way I could possibly approach anyone. I stumbled over to Cian at one stage, grabbed him by his bony shoulders and yelled 'Im completley fucked!' into his ear. It took a huge amount of effort to get these words out, and I would have liked to be able to descibe the effects precisely and more eloquently to him, but I couldnt think straight. Even after I said this I could hear it echoing inside my brain, as if said by someone else.

Everybody's face looked like an exaggerated caricature of themselves, my friends appeared as if in a dream, all their features accentuated.

Once my friend took over from the previous dj, and I came a little bit back down to earth, i started dancing. I still couldnt tell one tune from another; the pounding techno beats were enough to keep me going. i remember lurching up to the dj box at one stage and requesting a track, but he told me that he had just played it. i had no idea.

In retrospect, Im surprised at myself that Id be so irresponsible to drink alcahol and take K. However, the only adverse affect was the stinging in my nose, obviously caused by the crystalline ketamine.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2004Views: 3,615
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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