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Enhanced by Meditation?
by Stab
Citation:   Stab. "Enhanced by Meditation?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp13411)". Jan 25, 2005.

10 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
For a while I've been trying to quit using pot and have been instead using meditation to 'get high' which for me works pretty well considering my experience on the practice. (I've been practicing meditation longer than I've been smoking as a matter of fact.) Anyway I gave in about a week ago after going a few days without mary jane which isn't too bad considering I used to get stoned 24/7. I had entered the void through meditation earlier that day (Not easily done!) and I think the following state of mind I was in that day actually enhanced the high.

So heres what happened. I was walking along the beach and I spotted my friend L underneath the pier smoking a blunt. Like I mentioned earlier I had gone a while without pot and figured one more time wouldnt kill me with guilt! Anyway we smoked, got stoned, and got up and left after while. I walked around for about an hour before I decided to go home and munch. By this time the high was starting to wear off, but almost as soon as I had turned on to 21st the creeper hit me. For those of you unfamiliar with the term 'creeper', it's a high that for no reason suddenly intensifies dramatically without the user boosting. What followed was the most lovely experience I have ever had on pot. I was'nt a whole lot 'higher' than before but I noticed colors were becoming extremely intense to the point of changing. The grey, dismal sky took on a purple tone, the street shone sapphire blue, and every green plant around me pulsed with an intense glow, as if I could actually see the life flowing through them. Altogether, I felt as though I was walking inside a living painting.

I have never done any hard trips like acid or shrooms and I wondered if the blunt had been laced, which was unlikely since these effects took over an hour to manifest themselves. It could'nt have been from my few days abstinence because I have gone weeks without smoking before and never experienced what I did in the space of those five minutes but hey, it might have just been some good ass weed. Who knows? This was without a doubt the best creeper I had ever had. Normally my heart starts pounding and I get paranoid as hell, thinking I'm going to die and what not when I have creepers. I still believe meditating had enhanced this high.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13411
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2005Views: 7,522
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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