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High Times Don't Last Forever
Citation:   candy. "High Times Don't Last Forever: An Experience with Cocaine (exp13505)". Jan 12, 2020.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Most people can only see the outside when they look at a person. For me, looking can almost have you mistaken. I'm atheletic at all times, involved in school activities, popular, have tons of friends, and have a mad passion for snorting cocaine. It all started three months ago. I had grown bored of extacy, weed, drinking, and all the other things on the table. I had told a close friend of mine ill call lisa that. She told me she would take me out and we would do some coke together. I said hell yeah! That weekend was the place. She came and picked me with her boyfriend and we drove around for a bit. I could feel the anticipation growing and my palms sweating. I had an idea of what might happen, but I couldnt be sure. We stopped in the parking lot of a local park and several white lines of powder were cut up onto a cd case. Lisa handed me the rolled dollar bill and I took it up my nose.I didnt really feel anything, so we stopped in another parking lot and I did another line, and THATS when it hit! I could feel the excitement running through every pore in me. I was excited, but not for anything. I felt happyer then I had ever been, like I wanted to dance and dance all night, or just sit there and do more. We drove around that night, a line here a line there, talking all the way. I LOVED it. Nothing else could compare.even the drip wasnt bad.I went home that night and it took awhile to go to bed, but I didnt care.the next day I had a terrible head ache and my throat killed, but all I wanted was more.

Over the past few months I've done it on and off. I'm not obbssessed, but I knew if someone put a bump of it in front of me, it would be gone faster then you would believe.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13505
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2020Views: 1,226
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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