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Good at First
Citation:   Willy the wildman. "Good at First: An Experience with GBL (exp13654)". Mar 29, 2007.

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
This seemed like the wonderdrug, but turned out to be the exact opposite. The good side is I can bone for hours without getting off, it puts me in a good mood, and at first it was a great anxiety release. Another great thing about it when its combined with exctasy it double the effects of x and makes it last longer. The bad side is my tolerance built quickly and if I take too much it will knock me smooth out. Another thing is I almost always over do it and knock myself out.

Then I started taking it over and over. I cant sleep without it. I get the shakes when I dont have it and Im really irratable. The withdrawls were worse than anything Ive ever experienced, the slightest sounds were unbearable and my skin became so damn oily it was gross. I also got sores on my lips from drinking the shit. But besides that I was one boning stud in my own sick mind. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this one.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13654
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2007Views: 8,845
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GBL (89) : Sex Discussion (14), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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