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The Highest I've Ever Been
by abbs
Citation:   abbs. "The Highest I've Ever Been: An Experience with MDA (exp13823)". Jul 1, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 1 tablet oral MDA (pill / tablet)
It was to be my first roll--my boyfriend at the time was able to procure four beautiful little pills (anchors, off-white, split back, later analyzed by a chemist friend of mine, found to be 100% pure MDA), and after making ourselves comfortable in his dorm room, we each took one and settled back to enjoy the results.

Within about 45 minutes, I began to hallucinate trails and 'stop-motion' vision quite vividly. Having never tried 'ecstasy' before, I became somewhat overwhelmed and felt a brief queasiness that subsided with a few deep breaths. The hallucinations continued (though less vividly) for several hours, during which I could not stop grinding my teeth. My eyes fluttered in their sockets like moths, and I was rolling so hard I thought (several times) that I would faint. I spent a lot of the first hour peering into a mirror, admiring the INCREDIBLY LARGE size of my pupils.

About 2 hours into the roll, we each took another pill and walked around our small college campus. My vision was super bright (as with LSD) and the hallucinations intensified with each 'peak.' At one point I held a cheerful conversation with my best friend, who was in actuality not there. The rest of the evening was a blur of intense feelings of well-being and euphoria, coupled with visual distortions that ranged from mild to delirious.

It would probably be dangerous for me to drive, deal with potentially trouble-causing people/authority figures, etc. while peaking. Also, the physical residue of the drug lingers for a couple of days--the 'jittering' eyes and trails may continue well after the roll.

That said, no roll with MDMA has ever even come close to what I experienced with MDA that night. The two have a lot in common, but MDA is more of an hallucinogen, and at times can be so overwhelming that it could probably induce 'the fear' in someone unfamiliar with the compound's effects. MDA gets me HIGH--and more importantly, its manifestations upon my mind/emotions allow for a heightened sense of empathy and awareness of beauty. It can be a very meaningful, humbling experience.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13823
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 1, 2002Views: 36,363
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MDA (34) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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