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Why Drink It?
poppy pods
Citation:   patience. "Why Drink It?: An Experience with poppy pods (exp13874)". Apr 12, 2002.

3 bowls smoked Poppies - Opium (extract)
I purchased two bundles of dries poppy pods from a well Known
nursery and crafts store recently, and despite the poppy tea
methods I've been reading about, it just doesn't appeal to me.
Where codeine extractions from acetamiophen products leaves little
alternative, poppy pods can be dealt with differently. I don't
like wasting a useful substance... or puking, for that matter.

At least forty pods were crushed and dumped into an electric
fryer pot with enough water to 'float' the matter freely.
Setting the dial never above the highest simmer level, I allowed
the mixture to heat for an hour or so, mixing periodically.

Next, I poured the contents through a strainer into a bowl and then
poured the cleaned liquid back into the fryer and let most of the
water content to simmer away until thick but still pourable.
I carefully poured the extract into a metal measuring cup and
left it on one of those electric coffee cup warmers until it's
consistancy was gooey, like peanut butter. There was an adequate
amount of nicely dried 'tar' around the surface edges of the
measuring cup to enjoy in a pipe right away. I placed the cup in
a cool place, away from light to let the heavy resin continue to

A few good pipe hits at a time seems to pleasently relax me.
I recommend the use of a small butane torch for maximum effects.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13874
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2002Views: 34,506
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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