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Auditory Construction
LSD & Ketamine
Citation:   Splinter. "Auditory Construction: An Experience with LSD & Ketamine (exp13957)". Nov 10, 2005.

T+ 0:00
4 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 200 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I arrived home at about 12:15pm, I had dropped 4 hits of acid about 2 hours previous, and I was just beginning to peak. A little disoriented from the buzzing inside my head, I began to prepare for what I knew would be an intense night. I shut off all sources of light and noise from my room, blocked out the windows, pushed blankets under the door. I waited for about 7 minutes, enjoying the visuals until I was sure my eyes had adjusted and the room was completely black. I felt my way over to my desk and used a glowstick to find the line of K I had cut when I arrived home. I snorted the whole line through one nostril, stuffed the glowstick in a drawer and grabbed my CD Player/Headphones and jumped into bed. A mix CD of all my favorite Infected Mushroom tracks would provide the landscape for the night.

Halfway into the first track, I felt the chemical drip from the K, although it didn't seem quite as unpleasant as usual. I felt my bed tilt backwards, until I slipped and fell out of my own body, swirling around myself, then floating out, landing 3-4 inches above myself. My first thought was I had died. My second was Don't Panic. God bless Douglas Adams (Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy). Maybe I was dead, but that was no reason for concern. So instead I relaxed and waited for what was to come. My mind drifted back towards the music, which seemed to keep me anchored to the physical world. Every sound seemed a separate organism, I tried to examine each one as it went past, when my brain flipped around, offering me a new view, and I saw the music as a landscape stretched out as far as I could see, split along angles I didn't know exsisted. It was perfectly flat, yet was wrapped around me in the shape of rising and falling mountains, like a massive three dimensional oscilliscope.

Just as I was getting used to this new view, something I hadn't thought about before the trip occured. The track ended. Because of the way my CD burner works, there is at least 4 seconds between tracks, and those 4 seconds seemed to last for eternity. All of a sudden I was alone. I had no sensory input (I couldn't feel anything). I was nothing. I didn't exist. I was just a disembodied mind. I panicked. I had never been so lost in my life. I tried to get out of the bed but I couldn't move. Invisible points of space began to move towards me, I could see or hear or feel them, but I knew they were there. The next track began. Something happy. The invisible points were torn away and again my vision was full of light and landscape. The next track break wasn't anywhere near as bad, just alot of thinking. Half broken thoughts of disjointed ideas about nothing. This continued until the end of the CD, about an hour later. By this point the peak was nearly over and I found I could move again, I got out of bed and stood shakily in my room. I tried to walk and I collapsed.

I crawled to the corner of my room and found the lightswitch, I turned it on and stared at the most disfigured, twisted mockery of the physical world I have ever seen. The best I can describe it as, was extreme double vision, reflected away from itself then remerged. Nothing looked real. I ran into my bathroom, bumping into walls and doors along the way. The biggest mistake of my life. I caught a glimpse in the mirror of my face, distorted and fractured, eyeballs bulging out, melting. I nearly screamed. I went straight back into my room. I turned off the lights, took 4 caps of Kava and crawled into my bed. I couldn't get the CD player to work again. I tossed and turned for the rest of the night, speaking occasionally at nothing with words that meant nothing, and were cut off half way through. Eventually the Kava relaxed me enough to sleep, I do not remember any dreams I had, although I'm sure I dremt.

A powerful combination, it can be frightening. Next time I will plan it out a lot more. I wouldnt say it was a bad trip, just not the most pleasant.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2005Views: 8,779
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LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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