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Legal Prescription Ecstasy?
Buspirone (BuSpar) & Cannabis
Citation:   Arcana. "Legal Prescription Ecstasy?: An Experience with Buspirone (BuSpar) & Cannabis (exp14025)". Mar 21, 2005.

T+ 0:59
15 mg oral Pharms - Buspirone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Female, 150 lbs. and Male, 140 lbs. were told that the prescription antianxiety drug BuSpar could induce an Ecstasy-like experience. Results suggest this is not likely.


BuSpar (buspirone HCl) is a unique new antianxiety agent from Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical company. It is special because it is not like benzodiazepines, barbituates, or other sedatives, but instead relieves anxiety while appearing to simultaneously increase (not decrease) energy. Made available for the treatment of Generalized Anziety Disorder (GAD) in 1999, this drug is under review by the FDA as a new treatment for several other psychological illnesses, including depression and other anxiety disorders. The PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) cites no remarkable side effects. Pills themselves are rectanglar, and about the size of a Tic-Tac mint. The 15mg tablets are scored so that they can be either bisected or trisected. We decided that the pill would probably not be Ecstasy-like, but that BuSpar would do no serious damage to mind or body.

We both had had experiences with Ecstasy (MDMA) before. Two hours after eating, we each took 15mg with water, the recommended initial dose when used for purposes of antiaxiety. Both of us are frequent smokers of marijuana (almost daily), but were taking no other drugs, prescription or non-prescription, at this time. We felt confident about this experience and were in a positive mood. However, we did not think that the drug would induce an Ecstasy-like experience, though perhaps it would not be bad and maybe even fun.


30 minutes: Headache, pounding heart, lightheaded, sense of warmth, mind is fuzzy. Slightly more pronounced effects in male. Not too sure about this feeling - it was not really so pleasant, but felt like it could be a first wave of discomfort before hours of euphoria. Still hopeful.

1 hour: Severe dizziness and increased body temperature. Full of energy, though moving is too dissociative. More pronounced effects in female. We decide to smoke some marijuana to 'cut the edge' of this unpleasant, but not unbearable, experience. Marijuana lessens the nausea.

1hr, 30min: After resting, we feel a bit better. Calmer. Fewer, milder physical symptoms.

2 hours: Calling it quits. The physical ickiness is mostly gone, and no other effects are being felt. Somewhat numb, rather hungry. Out of it and definitely not impressed.

We don't recommend the use of BuSpar as Ecstasy. Maybe a higher dose is needed, though that may lead to more miserable physical symptoms. It was generally a disappointing experience, though our hopes were never really so high. We're not sure how many people out there have tried this, as it was a new one to us. A friend claims that 15mg of BuSpar actually had very wonderful Ecstasy effects on him.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14025
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2005Views: 109,558
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Pharms - Buspirone (155) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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