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Learning the Piperazines
Citation:   4meopp. "Learning the Piperazines: An Experience with 4-Methoxypheynl-Piperazine (exp14038)". Jun 19, 2002.

I thought i'd share a little general information about 4meopp since I found out there isnt one. At first glace you notice it is in the PIPERAZINES family. But an actual experience showed me that its on the boarderlines of a psychedelic more then just the normal piperazine type stimulant.

It is a weird colored purple. Doesn't smell like much but when insuffalated it burns rather quickly but tends to leave fast, also produces a nasty drip.

Oral doses range from 100mg-500mg. 500mg is the largest dose I've read about being taken that was from 200mg first then 300mg redosed about 3 hours later. The higher the doses the more it felt like a trip instead of just a stimulant high. The effects are; Euphoria, body chills, minor visuals, and sweating. With redosing the pupils tend to dialate. Hope I could help pass around some information.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14038
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2002Views: 14,328
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Piperazines (99) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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