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Theory of Emotional Influences
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   Anonymous. "Theory of Emotional Influences: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp14052)". Jul 19, 2005.

T+ 0:00
250 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
  T+ 4:00 2.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Having heard of the hallucinogenic properties of the flower, Morning Glory, as well as the long history of use by certain shamanic peoples, I decided to experiment. A friend recently offered to give me some extra packages of seeds, I figured I'd give them a try-out. After glancing through a few methods of extraction, I ground the seeds to a fine pulp using a coffee grinder, thoroughly cleaning it before hand to get out any remnants that might contribute caffeine to the concoction. Removing the staple from a bag of mint tea, I proceeded to spoon it in, and then tied up the bag with the tea-bag string. Placing a cap on the string at the end of it, I shook furiously, every 5-10 minutes for half an hour. (while simultaneously playing some favorite music to increase the good vibes ;) ).

Upon returning to it at the end of 30 minutes, I grew wary that perhaps it would take more time than I wished it to. Tearing open the bag, I emptied the contents into the glass, shaking profusely for periods of time. Another 30 minutes of this passed, and I decided it was time. Removing the cap, I took out a metal strainer and poured into a different cup. Then doing that again into the original cup. Getting out much of the pulp. Leaving a small amount in the glass, I once more shook it up vigorously, and then quaffed it.

At that point, I went out to smoke a cigarette to wait for it to take effect. While there, my stomach felt momentarily queasy. I attributed that to the texture of the drink. Yet I was still confident that there would be little nausea.

While talking to a few friends, about 20 minutes later, I suddenly became aware of subtle flashes around the edges of my vision, reminding me strongly of LSD. The trip set in gradually, almost imperceptably. Within an hour, it was definitely there. Any time of screen had small tunnels of color flying through them. Thought was clear, communication, however, involved more body language. For a few brief moments, I experienced nausea, but soon afterwards it faded away to strong euphoric, relaxed, and creative period of thought. Stories and wonderings intertwined to form greater connections. No very strong visual hallucinations, but I believe this is due to the relatively small dosage, as a test run.

Yet mentally it was the classic 'expanded consciousness'.

Having been peaking for about 2 hours, I decided to smoke a sweet as well. After it was smoked, motor function was mildly impaired, but not terribly so. Hallucinations had become much more vivid at this point. It felt remarkably similar to LSD and Marijuana. Within 45 minutes of this, I began to feel nauseous and mildly restless. The combination of the two drove me to want to do things, and when I would arrive at the destination of what I wanted to do, I felt an uncertainty that it would make me feel worse. Such as watching TV or taking a bath. Upon walking away from the bathtub, I thought to myself, I need to just find something to do. Selecting a CD that I had listened to upon the first time I ever tripped, I began drawing and postulating. As I continued to do this, all feelings of agitation faded. A small time afterward, I began to come down. I was in a great mood, as well. So sitting at my window, gazing at the night sky, and listening to Stravinsky, as it was, I came down pleasantly and smoothly. With a slight insomnia (not much better/worse than I usually have), I drifted off into a peaceful rest.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2005Views: 19,587
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Morning Glory (38), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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