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What the Hell Happened Here?
Cannabis & Caffeine
Citation:   arcane. "What the Hell Happened Here?: An Experience with Cannabis & Caffeine (exp14080)". Oct 29, 2003.

1 tablet oral Caffeine  
  10 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
As a user and admirer of psychedelics, it is considered uncommon by many that marijuana did not exist on my list of favorites. I was never a fan of bombarding my lungs with thick burning smoke, and I felt little benefit was gained from this. It was decided that weed would take a back seat, until it was called upon by some social congregation of some sort, or to preclude an ecstasy session. My friend and neighbor J, was a frequent user and supplier, and so the source seemed endless, and because she was a friend, so did the social congregation. It would be safe to conclude that I indeed smoked weed pretty frequently. The subtle and light mental alteration was nice, but hardly seemed worth going through the actual smoking process. Still, it became almost ritualistic, mostly due to my close friendship with this girl, because as most of us come to find out, weed smokers love smoker buddies. Here is an exceptionally strange account.

This particular day didn’t start well. I was sleep deprived, but still largely awake for a day following a late rock concert and a drive through two states, making it back in town at roughly 4 in the morning. I still managed to make it to work, bravely facing another Monday. The struggle with lethargy began, and didn’t end until 4 hours later, when I popped a Vivarin in desperation. When I returned home, I was greeted with the routine offer to have a smoke. Unusually enthusiastic about the idea, I agree.

The weed was wrapped in green leaves. Not exactly a fan of this method, as my usual and favorite instrument was the steamroller. The high effect began to take place immediately. The events are as documented:

00:10- Still on a nice subtle high, the high that I’m used to attaining. Not an award winning high, but a high none the less.

00:20- considerably higher than 10 minutes ago, and still going, Mood is very pleasantly lifted, I’m more talkative, more open, and seemingly more spiritual minded. I jokingly curse my friend for getting me high.

00:35- It doesn’t appear that I have peaked yet, because I’m still being propelled upward with each additional drag of the blunt. My head is buzzing, and I’m somewhat dizzy. I’m petty damn high at this point, much more so than I am used to. The perma-grin surfaces on my face, my eyes squint, and the giggles set in.

00:40- Everything seems hilarious, my grin is so wide, it feels like it's hurting my face, my eyes are so tightly squinted that I can hardly see. I laugh hysterically, and quite madly at everything. My friend believes it’s about time I go home. As I walk to the door, I find it unusual that I can barley see anything. Everything appears foggy white, like I was in some type of middle dream state, I panic to my friend that I can’t see. Strangely unable to stop laughing, I manage to explain this to her. Because of my inability to stop laughing, she thinks i’m joking, but escorts me downstairs. The thought of everything being so funny, and seeing my friend laugh at me incited more intense laughter. Its seemed fun at the time.

I began to try and reshape my face so that my eyes aren’t so squinty, in hopes that reality my be a bit more recognizable, and find myself unable to.

00:45- Ahh! Ok, i’m definitely scared at this point, all attempts to regain control of my body seem futile. I can’t stop smiling, squinting, I can’t stop laughing! My laughing doesn’t seem based on an actual action or humorous thought anymore, it’s almost mechanical now. Like, automatic, as if I were a machine that malfunctioned during a time I was laughing, and got caught in a continuous loop. It wasn’t fun anymore. I struggle to explain this to my friend, who proceeds in laughing her ass of at me, as she must believe that i'm just pretty fucked up. I find that we are standing by the elevator, she must have decided against taking the stairwell, due to my unusual behavior. I still struggle to explain that i'm serious, and freaked out, but it’s hard to get that point clear when you’re damn near laughing yourself to death. As we stepped into the elevator, I feared this might be so. It was as if I fell victim to the smiley gas, the weapon that the joker (from batman) used that placed that permanent methodical grin on your face forever.

00:50- By this time, my friend had to lead me by the hand back to my apartment. My uncontrollable laughter persists, and she tries to shush me, for fear that I may wake up the neighbors. I told her I wish she believed that I can’t fucking stop, trust me, I fucking want to. Back in my apartment, she begins to tell my boyfriend what a nut case I am, as I convulse with laughter in the kitchen. Unable to speak anymore, I finally point to a tear streaming down my tormented face as proof. My friend starts to giggle, my boyfriend looks perturbed, they don’t believe me.

01:00- I finally began to come down, rather quickly at that. My face slouches back to its original form, and the giggles trickle away. I’m exhausted at this point, and somewhat angry at the two of them for not believing me. I guess I can’t blame them. I feel a strange tightness in the back of my head and neck. I began to mellow down.

01:15- I began to experience negative thoughts. Everything my boyfriend says seems to be stupid, or trivial. My thoughts are more logical and scientific, unlike the spiritual and mystic thoughts I have while on Ecstasy. I don’t like it. This persists to the point to where I become completely non-responsive to him altogether. He decides to shut up and let me chill out. Everything that usually held some type of interest, bored the shit out of me, and I finally went to bed.

Not the best experience I’ve had, but one of the most interesting. I can’t begin to theorize what might have caused this. I’m guessing that sleep deprivation might have had something to do with it. I don’t think it was the marijuana, because my friend experienced none of this. Weird. Just be careful people.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14080
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2003Views: 11,057
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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