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The 420 Journey
Citation:   zackmann. "The 420 Journey: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp14152)". Jan 8, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59 12 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
The journey started out on friday night (4/19) after I presented my undergraduate research paper at a local university.

I hadn't smoked all day, so a couple bowls of moldy swag tore me up. Me and my friend W, were having a great time listening to music, talking and smoking when we both remembered the task that we had planned on accomplishing, breaking up a gram of aMT (dl-alpha-methyltryptamine) into useable doses. I know the warnings to never ever eyeball under a hundred mg's, but for us poor psychonauts that have no digital scales, the eyeball method with graph paper was chosen. The aMT came in a vial too big for the volume a gram takes up, so most all of it was stuck to the side. After using a toothpick to scrape it off, there was a very stinky pile of chunky off white crystals on the mirror. The chunks were very dry and didn't want to chop up, so 2 pieces of glass was used to crush it. When the off white substance was as powdery as possible (which took a good 30 minutes or more of work) it was time to start eyeballing. I had precut graph paper to put under the glass, so to facilitate in the eyeball process.

The initial plan was to make 25 doses of 40 mg's each, but in the process both me and W decided to make 30 doses of 33 mg's each. We figure the smaller the better, since maybe the aMT trip wouldn't last as long and another report indicated 27 mg's did just fine. After the trouble of getting aMT into powder form, the dividing up 30 equal piles went relatively easy for an experienced cokehead. I want to stress how risky eyeballing doses is, but sometimes it must be done. I also want to stress the smell that accompany's the aMT. I had many Nag Champa incenses burning, and a shirt around my face, and could still only smell the smell of death that comes with aMT.

The next day was us potheads national holiday (4/20), and me and W had planned on taking one of the new doses of aMT. But first there was another task that needed done, and that was picking up a quantity of swag green. Unfortunatly, picking up the green meant driving 2-3 hours. We had enough green to get us by on the national holiday, but would run out soon and getting more was the number 1 priority, even more important than tripping.

So, me and W started driving. We picked up my roommate R half way to the destination. Me and W knew that if we were to take an aMT, we would need to take it by 6-8 pm, so to not be tripping into sunday morning (some sleep was needed). The trip to find swag green went way longer than expected and at 9 pm, we were still on the road. Now a decision had to be made, aMT was definitly ruled out b/c of it's long acting nature, but if we still wanted to trip, we had some foxy (5-meo-dipt).

9pm - While an hour from home (and not finding any swag green), me, W and R decided to take a foxy. The dose was approximatly 12 mg's each. It was 4/20 and getting fucked up was the plan, so the late time was not going to discourage us from tripping. I was driving, and very confident any effects felt before we got home wouldn't cause me to drive bad.

10pm - Arrive at home, with all 3 of us feeling minimal effects, maybe a +1 or almost +2, but not very intense at all. We walk into the house finding me and R's, other roommate, BJ, with his girlfriend. They have smoked very little on the national holiday and were very disappointed that we didn't come through with more swag green. Both BJ and his girlfriend, L, were inexperienced trippers. They have both taken 10 mg's of foxy twice before, resulting in a very mild trip. They also wanted to trip, but with a higher dose this time, to maybe bring on more effects. I talk them into taking 10 mg's now, and 10 mg's in an hour, so to keep the foxy from kicking in too hard for them.

1030pm - Me and W wish our trip was more intense at this point, so we also take a supplemental dose of 10 mg's each. R had to work on sunday morning, so he was fine with his initial dose.

11pm - After smoking on the little swag we did have, the foxy really took hold. All 5 of us were at a +3, and fully into the fox. Marijuana sure does have nice synergy with foxy. After every hit, I can feel the trip get stronger. At this point me, R, and W are laying down listening to good music and enjoying the CEV's.

For the rest of the night the foxy trip went like most all the other foxy trips we had embarked on, a little body load, deep deep thought, increased auditory perception, lots of CEV's with little in the way of OEV's.

BJ and L finally got a foxy trip that took them to a +3. They were both very fucked up, with L having the most body load, as she puked a couple of times. I think this is because she is a girl. Girls seem to have the worst body load with foxy.

Me, R, and W have taken foxy probably over 50 times each, so I thought I would write an overview of our thoughts on the fox.

Overview - Foxy sure is a subtle drug. The dose-response curve seems to be very steep, with higher doses (20 mgs +) giving a very high body load, but increasing the OEV's.

At low doses (around 10 mgs) foxy seems to be the most fun with the littlest body load. For unexperienced trippers, they may think they low dose is a waste of time, but for those of us who know how to manipulate the trip, 10 mgs is just right. The CEV's can be amazing and music is greatly enhanced. The combonation of CEV's, increased auditory perception, and the short acting nature makes foxy one of the best psychedelics around.

I suggest experienced trippers to try foxy at low doses and work on taking the trip where you want it to go, not go where the trip takes you. The worst mistake to make with Foxy is to take a large dose at once, for the body load may be too much to handle. Take it small and don't try to make foxy a LSD substitute.

happy 4/20 everybody

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14152
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 8, 2004Views: 10,799
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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