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Perfect Happiness
Mescaline, Cannabis
Citation:   AlexXx. "Perfect Happiness: An Experience with Mescaline, Cannabis (exp14195)". Apr 26, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl sublingual Mescaline (capsule)
  T+ 0:15 0.33 g smoked Cannabis (flowers)
This was my first time ever using mescaline, but I am an experienced weed smoker. So my girlfriend, my friend, and I decided to only take one cap of mescaline each. We figured it would kick in faster if we burst the cap open in our mouth and then swallowed it. After about 15 minutes we rolled up a gram of weed and smoked that. We had heard that it takes approximately an hour for mescaline to start working, but after about half an hour I started to really feel it. So either bursting it open in my mouth worked, or the weed caused it to work faster. Anyway, I began to feel like I could walk forever, not full of energy, just that walking became so easy. Almost like I was just floating. My eyes started to feel like I was going crosseyed, and it was a little bit annoying at first, but either it went away, or I got used to it, so that wasnt a factor. But my vision and motor skills were definitly thrown off. Which was a good thing. Everything apperaed to be slightly different and walking became a bit complicated. By the time we got back to my friends house, only 45 minutes after we took it, I was sure it had fully kicked in. We sat there watching some movie, that I dont even remember, because it was really hard to understand what was happening. The words sometimes seemed just all blurred together unless you gave the movie your undivided attention, which was almost impossible seeing as anything could be a distraction. Walking still remained hard, but I found it easy to just slide my feet on the ground. Different parts of my body kept going numb, usually taking turns. At one point I stood up, only to fall right back down because my legs had gone numb. About two hours after we had taken it, still going strong, I got on the bus. I was listening to music on a discman, and when I looked out the front window of the bus, the fast motion mixed with the fast, heavy music, was almost too much to handle. It felt really weird, almost like i was flying.

When I got home, and for almost four hours after I had taken the mescaline, i felt extremely happy. I had no worries or cares, and i felt as if nothing could go wrong.

This was definitly a great experience, and i look forward to doing it again as soon as possible. The happy feeling that comes over your body is amazing.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 26, 2002Views: 67,940
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Mescaline (36), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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