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Mind Blast of the Third Kind
Alcohol, MDMA(Ecstasy), Levmetamfetamine (Vicks) & Cannabis
Citation:   Narituba. "Mind Blast of the Third Kind: An Experience with Alcohol, MDMA(Ecstasy), Levmetamfetamine (Vicks) & Cannabis (exp14512)". Apr 16, 2007.

T+ 0:00
6 shots oral Alcohol
  T+ 3:00 2 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 4:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 7:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis
  T+ 7:00   repeated inhaled Levmetamfetamine
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol
Me and my good friend Mucus had been looking forward to last saturday since it was planned to be an MDMA night. I had tried this compound twice before, first time was very good, second was incredible (huge revelations and improved outlook still remain) The fact is, saturday arrived and our friend Voorhees joined our crusade. At around 5pm we arrived at a korean restaurant and sat down for a monstrous and beautiful meal.

T+0 During this meal we consumed 2 bottles of this interesting korean rice liquor called Soju which is 22% alcohol in composition.

We left the restaurant at around 6:30pm VERY satisfied and obviously drunk. Walking around the city we commented on how this was 'the perfect drunk' state since none of us was impaired but at the same time we were silly and verbal.

T+3:00 Our wandering finished in central park where we decided to pop the pills at exactly 8pm. I had 2 pills, one of them I chewed to hurry the onset. I saved half a pill to boost later if needed. We all headed for the swings and see-saw around 15 minutes after poppin. After about 30 minutes of recreational behaviour we decided that we were ready to hit the city streets in a hunt to socialize with beautiful women.

We walked for a while around the city. At some point I purchased a bottle of Gatorade and a Vicks Inhaler (which was recommended by a big Etard friend of mine) The vibe was not very good within the group. These pills were obviously not as good/strong as the ones we had previously. We were all kinda silent and walking around. I noticed that Mucus especially was dissapointed and was walking silently behind Voorhees and myself. At this point I think the fact that we had a big meal before poppin (even if it was 3 hours prior) plus the fact that the pills were weaker, were the reasons for the quiet mood. As a matter of fact we were all pretty dissapointed. At various points during the walk I felt the typical efects of the onset, but I never reached a +++ plateau.

T+4:00 We all popped our boosters (for me half a pill) while taking a break in a square watching some bikers and skaters doing tricks. After that we headed downtown to try and pick our mood up and ride the E wave. I have to say that we were all generally in a good mood (except maybe for Mucus who was in a dissapointed mood) but not as elated as we should have been. We ended up sitting somewhere in silence just chatting sporadically while looking at some beautiful women that wandered freely at the time (thank god for women)

We then headed back to our place of residence with a meditative expression in our faces, trying to figure out what went wrong. Once we reached destination it was decided that we smoke a joint in order to relax and have some fun at least.

T+7:00 Midnight. We were all pretty psyched about the joint, very ready to be stoned and retarded and have some fun. Once the puffing was done I commented to Mucus and Voorhees about my mental state with a classic 'I'm stoned dude' We all sat around looking at the scenery thankfull to our good friend MJ who always comes through. After a couple of minutes of random chatting and giggling I thought of puffing the Vicks once again just for the hell of it. And this my dear friends is when everything took an unexpected turn. Holding the inhaler I snorted with all my might, half of my lungs capacity with one nostril and the other half with the other.

Darkness. I felt a very strong head rush I wasn't expecting. I open my eyes and see that Voorhees and Mucus are staring at me smilling. At this point there is absolut silence around me. I feel my eyes popping out of my face. I also feel my heart pounding rapidly inside my chest. After a couple of minutes, sounds become apparent again and I realize that I had been laughing histerically the whole time since I exhaled. I felt like I had just taken a MONSTER whip it.

From that point on of course we all started snorting like coke fiends with this thing. I must say it had been YEARS since I had laughed like that. I was absolutely incoherent and so were my two friends. We were absolutely unable to maintain a conversation. After snorting this thing 3 or 4 times each, Mucus insisted that he was cold. Me and Voorhees were absolutely unable to feel temperature of any sort, but it was also true that we had sweatshirts on as opposed to Mucus who was only wearing a T-shirt. So we left our spot by the water so Mucus could get a jacket.

When I stood up I had the most intense moment of the night. I almost lost motor control and I was laughing so hard my tearing eyes were closed and I thought I had gone insane. We were all VERY affected by this, absolutely unable to perform intelectually. We even got lost a couple of times. When Mucus finally got his jacket we sat somewhere else in the streets and the parade of idiotic (and very loud) behaviour continued, as well as the snorting.

Every time I would inhale out of the magic Vick I would get right back to the ridiculous state of mind blast. It is also important to know that when the absolut blast of the first 2 minutes after inhaling wore off I was left in a plateau of extreme stoning. It felt like being VERY stoned but there was a sharper quality to it that is difficult to explain.

At some point during the night (after the Vick I lost sense of time absolutely) we ended up in a bar having a Smirnoff Ice. This drink didn't feel good and seemed to be incompatible with the high because we all felt very tired after that and went to bed to crash, although still very affected. A funny detail was that after the Vicks our pupils got HUGE again, maybe even bigger than earlier while on the defectous E, Mucus even started clenching his jaw, a fact that Voorhees pointed out while looking at Mucus while he was claiming to be a god and slightly above everything, whatever that means

Now the bad part. The next morning I felt disoriented and extremely lazy. I also had a good share of physical pain in my legs and chest muscles. The whole day I spent giggling at the events of the night before.

The conclusion is that I went in looking for an awesome E roll with a joint at the tail end in order to relax and go to sleep. Instead I got shot to a whole different realm that I can compare, although it's not exactly the same, to NO2. This was ALOT of fun, and I have no idea if it's possible to repeat it. The next day (Sunday) we smoked a joint late at night and repeated the Vicks of course, with exactly the same effects. Uncontrolled euphoria, grotesque laughter and absolut incoherence. I already sent the word to some other friends to use the Vick with some quality marihuana just to see if it would work for them.

I felt the same pretty horrible hangover on Monday morning with physical pain and general lazyness, enough to discourage me from doing any more Monday night after my joint. Mucus, Voorhees and I will try this little experiment again next weekend and we'll see what comes of it.

peace out and take care

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14512
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2007Views: 20,753
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Levmetamfetamine (293), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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