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Best Done In Nature
Citation:   ~Rufio~. "Best Done In Nature: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp14517)". Mar 29, 2005.

T+ 0:59
1.0 g oral Nutmeg (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 1.0 g oral Nutmeg (capsule)
As I woke up to an alone house I decided to try some nutmeg. I had faked sick that day, so I was alone at my house with no school. I decided to read up on it a little before doing anything. I decided to do a small dose and see what would happen. I took some echenacia capsles from my herb cabinet in my kitchen and opened them releasing all the contents. Then I ground up some nutmeg on a nutmeg grinder. The total weight at first came out to about 1 g. I swallowed one capsule and ate a light breakfast. Within about 10 minutes I felt the effects. Subtle at first but I couldn't ignore it. It was unlike any other high I've felt. Sort of like being drunk but without the hazyness. Almost a mix between pot and booze but not at the same time. I ate my breakfast outside on my porch. I live in a secluded area.

It was a beautiful day. 65 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. In May...with trees realzing it's almost summer. My visual sense was greatly amplified. Things felt different. I was enjoying being alone and in nature tremedously. At times I found myself giggling from the sight sensations. Throughout the whole thing I had a clear head tho which is the difference for me between nutmeg and everything else. After about an hour of staring at birds on my bird feeder I decided it was getting less intense. I noticed that as I walked inside to the unnatural world, the effects were drasticly reduced. So I made another capsle of nutmeg, then went outside again.

It got more intense within 20 minutes. I was in a trance like state. The whole time it was like meditation. After about 2 hours, I returned to the unnatural world.

I doubt that I even used 2 g. But then again..I'm kinda scrawny, I only weigh 110 lbs. The setting makes all the difference. And Now it's 1:00 and I'm not that groggy. I doubt that I'll have a krazy hangover and sleep for 15 hours. My expeirence was tremedously theraputic. I didn't describe it all that well and I don't think I could in words.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14517
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2005Views: 7,171
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23)

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