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Herbal Ecstasy
Citation:   Sarah. "Rip-Off: An Experience with Herbal Ecstasy (exp14715)". Dec 19, 2007.

6 tablets oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
About three monts ago I came across a web site that was selling legal drugs, that supposed to get you high. One of the products that I purchased from them was a product called Herbal Ecstacy, very popular on numerous web sites. I figured, maybe I can get a good buzz from it. I took two, the package said to take one to two pills on an empty stomach, nothing happened. I haven't eaten anything for 10 hours prior to taking the pills.

In the process of three hours I took 6 pills, my friend took 8. After three hours I felt my temperature changed and I thought, wow, I think I am starting to feel something, but in a minute it was gone, and nothing happened, my friend did not feel anything too. It was a complete rip off.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14715
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2007Views: 8,290
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