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Euphoria but Not a Trip
H.B. Woodrose
by Ali
Citation:   Ali. "Euphoria but Not a Trip: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp15184)". May 20, 2018.

T+ 0:00
6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Unknown  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Unknown  
Due to my lack of funds for mushrooms and unavailability of LSD, I decided to try a different way to trip. After research and reading the numerous submissions of others, I decided that H.B. Woodrose would be the most effective for my purposes.

I ordered a bunch of the seeds and my buddy Dave (about 200 lbs) and I took off the outer layer and ate six each at 4:00. (I took a Dramamine a half hour earlier) I crushed mine with a spoon and he just popped them in his mouth and chewed them. Knowing that it would take about two hours we played cards for a bit and waited, Dave hoped to throw up so he'd at least know something was happening but neither of us even felt nauseous.

We both ended up just falling asleep and napping and waking up at 7:00 to the call of smoke offerings. After we smoked, four of us went to the ghetto beaches of South Boston to play Wiffleball. By then, when I guess we should have been peaking because we were there until about 9:00 all we had was a little bit of a body high, which could have been from the weed. We felt a little euphoric but that was the extent of it.

So after a brutal game of Wiffleball (Dave and I kicked some ass) we went back home, smoked again and I decided that I was determined to trip on these seeds. At around 11:00 I ate nine more to hopefully feel something. (Here’s where I was curious and skeptical because the inside of some of the seeds after taking off the outer coating was yellow and in some of them it was gray. I’m wondering if maybe only one of them would classify as a good seed or not.) At 12:00am I had some stomach pains so I got a little hopeful that maybe they were working. I baked some chocolate chip cookies and two of my friends and I just hung out, me waiting and hoping to start tripping. Never happened. I was dosing on and off, trying to stay awake and then decided at 3:30 to give in and go to bed since I had to be at work at 8:30.

I’ll probably try them again because I have a bunch of seeds left but overall, it was a disappointment.

CONCLUSION: These seeds put me to sleep.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15184
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 949
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