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TMA-2's Entrance to Extreme Nothingness
Citation:   Trypstar. "TMA-2's Entrance to Extreme Nothingness: An Experience with TMA-2 (exp15281)". Jun 10, 2002.

40 mg oral TMA-2 (powder / crystals)
I took two capsules of TMA-2, totalling 40mg on an empty stomach at nine in the morning. I knew I might be in for some nausea or cramps, so I wasn?t surprised when at 9:30 I was beginning to feel quite sick, certainly unpleasant, but not overwhelmingly. At about 10:30 things started to settle down and at 11:00 the nausea was gone and I was at a plus one.

At this point I was clearly climbing to a peak, of which I didn't know where it started or how long it would last. Visually things weren't that exciting, there was some breathing of walls, a little flickering, flashing of the objects surrounding me, but no enhancement of colors. Sounds appear rather tinny and empty and everything tastes like phenethylamines :). I reached the plateau at around 12:30, I tried to eat an orange, but it was hopeless. Very anorectic. I did drink a lot, there was quite severe dehydration.

Before I knew it, I was coming down, and a long and very boring coming down it was. Very hypnotic. I felt terribly lazy, I was even too lazy to read or draw, so I listened to some music and did a couple of nitrous balloons, which did also launch me into psychedelic hyperspace during the coming on and the peak.

I was so lazy that I even fell asleep just after the peak, which manifested itself by falling in and out consciousness, which wasn?t unpleasant at all. At T +12:00 my pupils were still dilated. That night I slept ten hours and the next day there were no real signs of a hangover, just a little depressing feeling, perhaps due to the disappointing effects.

Overall I think I wouldn't do this again, it felt like a waste of time. Completely empty, stoning feeling which brings nothing of value to the mind. Perhaps a higher dose would result in more spectacular and more pronounced effects, but I wonder how hard it will be on the body.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15281
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2002Views: 18,317
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TMA-2 (112) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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