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Now Will It Do Something?
Citation:   Beaker. "Now Will It Do Something?: An Experience with Lamid (exp15304)". May 21, 2002.

T+ 0:00
300 ug oral Lamid
  T+ 2:30   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 5:00 2.0 g oral GHB
  T+ 5:30 2.0 g oral GHB
I had tried this compound before, however at a lower dose (200 ug) and after a full days work on a farm, so the dozen or so of us who tried it were physically exhausted, and no one really felt anything (even people who took relatively high doses of 2CT7 instead). So this was a repeat experiment, in the hopes of getting a little more out of it.

My roomate J and I finally decided to dose at about 9:00 PM. His girlfriend A (my other roomate) decided not to. The dose was preweighed very accurately and dissolved in a known amount of water and I took 300ug dosed by volume in some juice. No noticeable taste.

By T+0:15, I had my first alert. We were listening to a pretty varied mix of music, some swing, some blues, etc. A was keeping herself busy, waiting for some other friends to call. I was starting to feel more and more lethargic as the effects increased, and her activity was slightly annoying. By about T+0:30, I started about half an hour of coming up where I seemingly kept trying to get comfortable, couldn't tell if I was cold or not, and itching various minor itches on my body. Seemed to be a little dissonance that my mind was trying to resolve physically.

I finally nudged myself out of the comfy chair I was in and got up to change clothes into some long pants and a more comfortable shirt. Walking definitely alerted me to the presence of the growing effects. I sat back down and continued to try and settle in to the effects. I think when I got up and urinated (quite a bit, though we did have soup for dinner), it helped to break some of the spell and when I sat back down again I was pretty much settled.

I didn't notice any open-eyed visual distortions, but my mind was clear and calm and there were some good closed eye visuals beginning. I focused on the fact that it had been several weeks since I had tripped on anything and decided to do some mental work. I went over my current situation and challenged myself on some of my faults. I was rational yet firm with myself and made some resolutions (which I often make and rarely keep while on psychedelics). This consumed a good hour, and by now it was about T+2:00. A had in this time gotten in contact with our other friends and was off to a bar.

J and I continued to lay on the couch and sit in the comfy chair respectively. We were both lucid and could answer A and each others' questions, but were content not to speak. After A left, J commented that I was free to put in any music I wanted, as the CDs were starting to run out and I think he had been thinking similar things as me (that the CD selection was not very condusive to our mental state).

I picked up my CD case and flipped through it, conflicted by the fact that the amp for the bass canon (a very large subwoofer tube) was in the TV room and hooked up to the other sound system. I had planned on watching movies later and did not really want to move the amp. We both seemed pretty lethargic, so I decided to put in Kruder and Dorfmeister's The K & D Sessions, Disc 2. After the first song and about half-way through the second, I just couldnt take it any more, and got up to get the amp. The music just wasn't the same without deep, body-oscillating bass. Once connected and operational (a slight concern about hooking up stereo equipment while in this state, especially while blindly trying to plug the amp in to the wall socket), the musical landscape was vastly improved. Later in the album, I was very glad to have hooked it up, for there are some amazing bass effects in it.

At this time, I also felt it was time to finally smoke some cannabis, which I had declined from A earlier. I felt as if my peak might be diminishing (~T+2:30). A few puffs of some fine cannabis and both J and I settled in and listened to the music with eyes closed. I had some really good closed eye visuals and a slow tangent-laden mental trip. At one point I realized I was in an almost opiate like state of hypnogogic bliss. The lethargy previously felt was enhanced by the cannabis, and I seemed to be in a state between sleep and awake, that also felt quite good.

The album seemed to finish quickly, and I flipped through my CD case looking for something else interesting to listen to. I spotted something I had been meaning to sample J out with while on something of this nature. I put on the Future Sound of London's ISDN. While listening to it, I felt it couldve been appreciated a lot more a couple of hours earlier, when our peaks were just beginning. This was my first realization that the plateau I had been on while listening to K&D was sloping down (~T+3:30). ISDN was still quite enjoyable (in that disturbing, unsettling manner that forces you to think about things with an occasional oasis of melody).

After ISDN, we listened to silence for a while, and I continued to think. I was mostly down by now (~T+4:00) and eventually J put in a very good ambient album, Dreams of Freedom: Ambient Translations of Bob Marley into Dub. He continued to lay on the couch, and I listened to about half the album and then decided to get online and chat. When the CD ended and it switched back to the K&D, I decided it was time to start slowing my brain down (~T+5:00).

I mixed up a glass of ~2g GHB in 8oz of juice. Drank it like a normal glass of juice while chatting. It had no effect. As I mixed up my second, A came home and we all talked for about half an hour. They decided to go to bed, and I returned to my computer. I finished my second glass, which now was at least noticable, but I still felt no urge to sleep. Nothing was happening online, and I definitely did not want to see dawn, so by 4:30 (T+7:30) I decided to slip into bed. The G helped keep my mind quiet as I slipped into sleep. Slept about 6 hours with only a little groginess in the morning.

The only physical effects I felt were occasional hypersensitivity to smells and a persistent diuretic effect. I pissed out way more water than I took in, and was sure towards the end of the evening to try and replenish some of the water I eliminated. I also had some jaw tensions/mouth discomfort, but I think this was a psychological focusing of a lingering obsession with my mouth (Ive had tons of dental and orthodontic work and havnt been to the dentist in years and have recently been thinking about it a lot). This was during the upswing, when I was uncomfortable on a number of fronts. Once everything settled in, and I addressed the issue, this annoyance seemed to dissapate.

All in all, I found the compound very enjoyable. It had many similar effects to LSD, but not so intense and demanding (though possibly could be so at higher doses). The shortness of the trip was nice, though it still had a long tail that was slightly stimulatory, at least in the sense that I felt I could not go to sleep without pharmaceutical assistance. I never had much open eyed visuals on it. I noticed some tracers for a while, and was interested in figuring out where in my brain was causing this. I could draw out some distortions if I concentrated. The closed eyed visuals were mostly based on the musical input, and my mental thought process. The hour or two of hypnogogic bliss after smoking cannabis was quite nice. I think this drug could combine with other drugs quite well. A mild stimulant would be nice to fight the lethargy (if it were to occur again). An opiate or sedative could slip one into said hypnogogia.

fish on,

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15304
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 21, 2002Views: 20,735
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Lamid (256) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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