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by Bob
Citation:   Bob. "Whoops: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp15546)". Aug 25, 2005.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 2:00 1 tablet oral Dimenhydrinate  
Me and a couple of my friends up at college decided one night, during a big campus-funded concert, to attain an amount of mushrooms. The vibes from the concert were pretty good, though a particularly distateful rapper was playing. I had done it two times before, and once went on a rather insane trip. However, the second time was a pretty good light trip that I actually had a lot of fun on, despite some rather bad vibes coming from my family life that afternoon.

So, to get back to the story, we got the mushrooms (this is about ten people that got them), and they came in 1/4 of ounces. This was problematic, because we did not have a scale and therefore had to eyeball the eighths. This is a BAAAAAAAD idea, as we really had no idea who was getting how much. Being the greedy one, I picked up what appeared to be slightly more than an eighth. It should be noted that the person I got them from said that for the love of god we should not eat the whole eighth. Having eaten one before, I thought this was bullshit. I'm a man, I can take it.


Anyway, we all dosed, and me and three of my friends, lets call them A, B, and C, ate the whole eighth. Before I was even done eating them I started to feel a strong buzz. At this point I did something kind of stupid: I took a crap and a dramamine.

I group these two together because they show a strange part of mushrooms: everything is intensified about 100000000000000 times over. I shit and felt like I needed to do so for about thirty minutes (about two hours shroom time). The usually very mild dramamine drowsiness (I took the dramamine to combat the inevitable nausea I usually get) was intensified massively. I felt as though I could not keep my eyes open. I opted not to go to the concert and instead decided to just go to my friend B's room. B was not there, but A was, and he was tripping nuts (as was I by now). All he said was 'dude, this is crazy.' I said I knew, and he went back to his room to listen to music.

At this point I still had my sanity, so I decided to go to my room and lie down and watch some comedy central. At this point I was extremely drowsy and could not keep my eyes open, but I also could not sleep. Sometime around this point I lost all sanity. The black man on the TV turned white and began to talk about satan being my friend. I told him this was not the case. I then chanked, and began to believe I was either dead or in a mental hospital. With my eyes closed, I began to see said hospital, and I was being wheeled through the hallways and shit. Then, I was whipped back to reality by a phone call: My girlfriend. She was at my place of residence, and wanted to be let in. I said 'GOOTTTKAYGHGN,' and walked downstairs and let her in, gave her a hug, and we went back to my room. She sat down on the bed and I lied down in the floor. She's not particularly 'down' with drugs, but I figured I was arousing suspicion anyways, so I told her. She was noticably pissed, but I didn't care, because I was going insane. I could not form a coherant thought to save my life. At this point, she sat and quietly watched the TV as I tripped my ass off.

At about T+5 hours, I became sane again and turned on the news. It was, sure enough, normal news that I had heard that morning, though the newswoman's face couldn't seem to stay together. I looked up at the ladyfriend and said I had regained my sanity. I then decided to do a damage report. I HAD to find everyone and ensure no one died. The first person I saw was R (no, I haven't mentioned him before, but he had tripped too). He looked at me in horror and I said 'is everyone alive?' He didn't know. We then walked over to A's room where he looked like he had been through a war. His feet were blue (a not uncommon symptom, so I hear), and his girlfriend was consoling him. He had apparently gone insane too, and his music went satanic. Strangely enough, most of the people who tripped had seen some form of satanic or demonic visual. I'm guessing it was the batch.

But what made the trip unique from a typical bad trip was that I didn't actually consider it a bad trip at all. It was very introspective, and made me think about what went through my head in everyday life. And I attained a new appreciation of a sober sitter, which I had never had before (my girlfriend). She helped me alot and even helped me keep my sanity at times. She also did, in fact, have sex with me that night, even though she was pissed. This trip also proved to me that short of going to the hospital or getting thrown in jail, there are no bad trips. To most my trip sounded horrifying, but it was definitely not afterwards. When one gets back to reality, reality winds up being like a heaven of sorts for a short amount of time. I felt absolutely reborn after the trip, and I really, REALLY enjoyed that. It even alleviated some feelings of stress from school I was experiencing.

To this day, I attest this was a good trip. So to all I say: Do not be afraid of a bad trip, because even a percieved bad trip has something good it can show you.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2005Views: 5,751
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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