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An Unexpected Relevation
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata or P. aucklandii
by NS
Citation:   NS. "An Unexpected Relevation: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata or P. aucklandii (exp1605)". Jul 17, 2001.

6 oral Mushrooms
For the last few months I have been having problems in my relationships with my parents, so I decided that I would make use of my experience to try to find an answer to ‘fix’ things with them. Little did I know that my outlook on life would change so dramatically.

About twenty minutes or so after ingesting the mushrooms, I began to feel the effects – in a subtle manner. Soon I felt the urge to take a walk outside (around 8pm, about 4 or 5 degrees celcius outside). I was amazed at the clarity with which I was viewing the world around me, and the amazing sense of calm that was setting in. By the time I got back to my friend’s flat, the experience was becoming very intense. The patterns in the wall started shifting as my perception of depth became less and less reliable. After about an hour or so, I was experiencing full visual hallucinations. Some people have described to me things such as seeing nails come out of floorboards. What I experienced was patterns continually shifting.

During my trip I experienced a state of mind that was so calm that my heart rate and breathing slowed right down. I began to realise that I had not ever been able to truly relax before. Even as a child I had trouble sleeping at nights. All of my worries ceased, and I began to communicate with others with an ease that I had not known before. It amazes me how differently people react to an individual that is truly at peace with himself.

I have been learning the guitar for about a year now. On my trip I felt a great urge to play, for the simple reason of enjoying the sound. Despite the fact that there were 10 or so people present, most of whom were much more accomplished players, I felt no nerves. I played by feeling rather than thinking about it, and began to understand the music more than ever before. When I was playing, it was as if time slowed to a crawl. I don’t think I played even one wrong note. Despite being on a heavy trip, I was able to tune my guitar by ear for the first time ever.

Even now, well after the physiological effects of the mushrooms have worn off, I am more relaxed than ever. I was shown the importance of loving myself. And I understand now that to contribute to the world, and to my relationships (with my friends, my partner, and my parents) I must value myself more.

What I asked for was an answer to my problems with my parents. What I received was much more profound.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1605
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2001Views: 10,300
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