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Four-Eyed Grandma
DXM with Psuedoephedrine
by Six.
Citation:   Six.. "Four-Eyed Grandma: An Experience with DXM with Psuedoephedrine (exp16051)". Dec 7, 2009.

T+ 0:00
708 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:45 354 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 972 mg oral DXM (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I took the Vicks 44 first. I drank one bottle in the bathroom, and went to sit down in the living room. I was watching a movie for say, 45 minutes before I felt the ‘Robo buzz’ kick in. At first it was fun, so as it was rising, (my DXM level: 708 mgs) I decided to take the other bottle.

I went back to the bathroom, and used the good old toothpaste and chug trick to take down the second bottle. By this time, I had developed somewhat of a tolerance to DXM, so it took about 200 mgs more than what it should to experience the same effects. By this time, the second bottle hadn't kicked in yet, so I went to hang out with my cousin for awhile. We were listening to the radio when I felt the second bottle start to hit me (my DXM level: probably about 1 gram). At first it was kind of strange. Moving became harder, and the music seemed to be quiet (I found out it was really loud later) and really, really boring. I was gone by then, of course. Being in this state, for some reason (God knows why), I decided to just sip on the 2 bottles of Robomax I had with me. I was drinking these, and all of a sudden I felt an extreme dissociation from my body. Usually on DXM trips I took before, the feeling wasn't as strong.

I finished the two, and I sat back for a minute. Stuff was sort of floating towards me, as if it could move, and it did. This happened for about 10 minutes or so...then it stopped. This is when it got weird.

It was really quiet, as if I couldn't hear anything. I heard the music, but I didn't hear it as sound, more as a color. I kept going away and coming back, as if I had multiple personalities. All of a sudden, my vision was totally (excuse my language) fucked. Things looked 10 feet tall, and then shrunk back down to a couple of inches. I felt as if I were falling into a rift in between time and space. I thought I had fell on the floor...maybe I had. I came back again, and was sitting on a stool in my cousin‘s room, and I was talking to her friend. I kept coming and going, so I kept forgetting her name. All of a sudden I was able to walk again. I went back out into the living room and sat on the couch. I found out that all that had happened occurred in about 10-15 minutes. Maybe the extreme eye dilation was from the quick rising to the 3rd plateau.

I sat on the couch, feeling EXTREMELY dissociated. Colors were different. Closed eye visuals were too unbearable to look at, so I kept my eyes open. Maybe I shouldn't have. My grandmother's walls are painted green, and a layer of green paint was sponged onto it. This is what freaked me out. All of a sudden, the walls were melting. Not the walls themselves, but the paint was melting off of them. It kept melting, yet the wall never ran out of paint, and it never dripped down. I looked at everything. It was huge, and it was small. Not as quickly as before, but stuff was still warping. I couldn't have stood up to save my life.

I was sitting on the couch facing the TV when I passed out. In my dream (or different state of mind...I wasn't asleep, but I definitely wasn't there) I saw a field of green. I think it was grass, but it was definitely green. Nothing was there but grass. I felt as if it were the spirits of those passed. I was there, not in body, but in spirit. I was there until I woke up. (Or came back).

This stuff wasn't wearing off at all. I awoke trying to remember who I was. I had the feeling that I was a fly on the wall in the room, as if I were out of my body, watching myself, yet I couldn’t see anything but my legs. My Aunt was sitting on the couch, watching some sci-fi movie. It was weird, but I don‘t remember it because I passed out again.

I didn't go anywhere. I had this feeling that I was floating out in space, yet there was nothing but black. I couldn't even see myself or where I was. It was horrifying. I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. I was trapped in this reality forever (what I thought). When I came back, I felt something with me. Something was looking at my brain. I don‘t know what it was. I felt as if my brain was opened, and something was trying to look at it. Maybe I was trying to look at it? I doubt it. I was in this examination state, when I felt my soul being taken from my body. It came from my right leg, and was pulling straight out of my leg. I tried to control it, and succeeded a few times, until it just took me away from myself. I felt really cold, as if I had lost something really important.

I was thinking who I was, where I've been, and what I've accomplished. I remember thinking, who is John? Who is he? I thought it was me, but I couldn't prove it. I felt as if I had known myself from the outside my whole life, and I was looking in. I thought of every bad memory that had happened to me, and felt like I was seeing it from this different point of view. It seemed very alien, but real. It was coming and going, in and out of consciousness at this point.

When I woke up, I was on the other couch. I don‘t know how I got there, but I had done it. I was sitting next to my cousin, and my Aunt was on the other couch. They were watching this movie, and it made no sense. Yet reality and everything around me made sense. As the movie went on, I tried to speak. I remember asking: ‘What is this movie about?’. It was as if I had to form the sentence inside my brain before asking. It was extremely hard to get a sentence right. I stayed like this for a while. I remember trying to talk, but nothing came out. I talked to my mom on the phone somehow. Phones were weird. I managed to remember to press the orange on to hang it up.

Towards this time, I felt that time had changed. I felt like I had just gotten up. I was on the other couch again, somehow. I looked at my dog, Odin. He was silvery gray with white. His face was melting, but I was able to look at him, not to pet him, but to look. He laid down on the floor, and he shrank down to the size of a puppy. I looked at him again and saw something I will never forget. His body was an empty shell. His soul was gone like mine too. Odin was gone, as if he had left this world to go to a different one. Can animals change their state of mind? I looked at him again, and he had came back. I felt a huge emptiness.

My grandma was talking to me. She had 4 eyes. (No, seriously). She offered me cookies, I think. I managed to say no, and she left me alone. I talked to my mom again on the phone. I remembered how to hang it up, and she appeared suddenly, as she had come through the back. I got up and left with her.

We went out to get something to eat. She knew something was up, so I told her what happened (I was out of it, I didn't know I shouldnt've). I didn't tell her how much, however, because she didn't know of my knowledge of dextromethorphan, and/or my tolerance. She took me back to the house, and it was weird. She made me eat, and this isn't easy when I’m under the influence of DXM. I wanted to go puke it all up, but I held it down, because I hadn't been enjoying the experience at this point. She said if it went down, she‘d let me stay home and not take me to the hospital.

I laid on the bed, and she was calling the hospital. They thought I had taken Coricidin, which has antihistamines, which are dangerous if combined. I tried to tell her I didn't, but I must've sounded delusional. I was watching her jean jacket, which was hung up on a nail on the wall, when it started sliding towards me. I looked at it again, but it kept coming towards me. My mom must‘ve saw this...she took me to the hospital anyway, breaking her promise.

We were in the car when it got weird again. I looked at streetlights, watching them bend, as if to say ‘hi’. I was watching the lights at the hospital, and they bent as if to turn around and look at me. We were walking into the hospital, well she was walking. I was walking like a robot. We went into the E.R., and they had a huge line. I told my mom she was wasting her time, and I stood out under the carport that was over the entrance way.

The carport started bending in, as if some sort of monster had stepped onto it. (I saw no monster, but it kept bending in). I stepped back. It was weird, but I wasn‘t scared. I tried to touch it. It just stayed there. I backed against the wall, and it started to bend in. The room was warping, as if it wanted to crush me. We left.

We got back to my house, and I was still trippin’ hard. I laid on my mom‘s bed, since she let me sleep on it. The ceiling fan moved out of the window, as if it disappeared from my third eye. I looked at the walls, and they grew enormous, as if the room was growing. In the light, something tried to wrap around me. It resembled a barb wire fence. It wanted to come in closer, but I wouldn't let it. At this point, it had to stop. The DXM was wearing off rapidly, but it was still at a 2nd plateau dose. I gradually fell asleep.

That‘s all. The next 3 days were weird, and I didn't feel normal for a week. I still sometimes stutter when I‘m trying to get out words that are over 5 syllables. The wanting for DXM continues, yet I just tell myself ‘no’. The trip really opened my mind to the possible existence of a parallel universe.

Keep in mind that all of the visuals I saw were open eyed, and in full light.

Thanks to: William White, Robert F. Golazewski, Vicks, Robitussin and gravol for helping me expand my mind. DXM is something I‘ll never forget.

Monday, July 15, 2002, 9:38 PM.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 16051
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 7, 2009Views: 7,250
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