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DXM Positive for Amphetamine on Test-Stik?
DXM (with CPM) & Drug Testing
Citation:   Anonymous. "DXM Positive for Amphetamine on Test-Stik?: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) & Drug Testing (exp16085)". Jul 17, 2002.

I'm writing because I might help someone avoid having to go through the hassle that I went through with my probation officer. I tested positive for amphetamines after taking DXM a couple days before.

My urine tests are not done at a lab. My p.o makes an appointment for me to come to the courthouse, then she gets a male probation officer to supervise me while I urinate in the cup. After this the male probation officer himself tests it with dipstick drug tests name branded 'test-stiks.

I usually get tested for THC, cocaine, amphetimines,and opiates each of these tests is an individual 'Test-stik' they work pretty much like a pregnency test if a blue line shows up your positive for that drug. When the P.O told me I was dirty for amphetimines I was baffled. I had not done ectasy in about a year and a half and I dont mess with speed.

The only things I had been doing since I had gotten on probation were small amounts of marijuana, large amounts of alchohol, and DXM fairly often. About 1 or 2 days before my test I had taken about 14 coricidin cough and colds ( I know there bad for you!... thanks to this web site! ). I told my p.o that the test must be wrong and that I would gladly re-do it so she told me to come back in 2 days, when I re-did it I was clean. So i guess the time period is 2-4 days but im not positive.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16085
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2002Views: 20,430
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Drug Testing (59), DXM (22) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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