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An Enjoyable Night
Citation:   Tanglefoot. "An Enjoyable Night: An Experience with Kava (exp16391)". Apr 30, 2006.

3 tsp oral Kava (powder / crystals)
I have enjoyed kava for a while now and living in New Zealand it is quite easy to get hold of. I have even brought it from a local super market.

Today I mixed 3 large teaspoons of kava powder with water and then added some lime juice to take away some of the earthy taste (which is not nice) I downed the glass in one on an empty stomach and imedeately felt my mouth and lips go numb. After about five minutes my head was happily hazy and I felt totally relaxed but still focused enough to cook dinner. As I was cooking the effects grew stronger and focusing on cooking became harder but still manageable.

I felt very relaxed by now an quite talkative, which was tough luck on the sales person who came to the door. I ate dinner without any problems and went to my computer for a spot of gaming. My head wasnt focused enough to kill people so I spent the next hour or so reading and listening to music, which sounded clearer and much more interesting. I guess it is similar to being slightly stoned but rather nicer.

After about two hours of feeling very good the effets have begun to decline and I am toying with the idea of having some more.

I have always found Kava to be a useful relaxant with no adverse side effects (apart from the taste) and Im sure I shall continue to use it when I feel the desire.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16391
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2006Views: 7,701
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Kava (30) : General (1), Alone (16)

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