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Girls, Give This to Your Man
Yohimbe & Vitamin C
Citation:   Mountaindancer. "Girls, Give This to Your Man: An Experience with Yohimbe & Vitamin C (exp16523)". Nov 27, 2005.

1500 mg oral Yohimbe (pill / tablet)
  1000 mg oral Vitamin C (pill / tablet)
I gave my boyfriend a 1500 mg tablet of yohimbe along with 1000 mg. of vitamin C to enhance absorbtion around 4pm. Within 1/2 hour he was giddy and said he felt really stoned and was happy and laughing. Shortly after that, he said he felt more sensitive all over. About 1 hour after ingesting the combo, I took him to bed. He was bigger, harder, more sensitive, more energetic, happier, and had what he said was the best orgasm yet. He also stayed hard afterwards and has had repeated spontaneous erections since and we are going on 16 hours since ingestion. We had also partaken of pot earlier and I think that may have added to the euphoria. No trouble sleeping, no anxiety, and NO VOMITING!!!

Take the right dose, have fun, then eat and sleep --- no bad side effects. What woman wouldn't want a man around who is happy healthy and horny???

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16523
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2005Views: 40,553
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Yohimbe (96) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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