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How I Spent My Spring Break
Fentanyl & Temazepam
Citation:   Genesis. "How I Spent My Spring Break: An Experience with Fentanyl & Temazepam (exp16826)". Mar 1, 2004.

2 tablets oral Pharms - Temazepam  
  2 oral Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
I took a couple of Restoril and went to see a movie by myself. Benzos make me forgetful. I couldn't tell you what movie I saw. I drove myself home, slapping two 2.5mg patches on my arm. Getting home I sat around and watched tv until about midnight and the patches seemed not to be working.. so I cut them open and ate the paste.. the gel inside. Kids, don't do this at home.

I sat down on my couch in my room in front of the tube with a bowl of clam chowder in my lap. I remember feeling that comfortable opiate glow come about me, starting at my feet and working it's warmth up towards my head. I remember looking at the television, it being blurry and saying, 'Whoops..'

I've had the nods before from morphine. This wasn't the nods. This was just a bit above respritory failure. My girlfriend (who doesn't use) will swear that I have nine lives. I honestly don't know how I made it through the night. I had passed out around 12:30 and I remember the television waking me up around 4am. I dragged my sorry self to the toilet and vomitted.. good and hard. Chowder vomit isn't pleasant. I don't remember going back to my room of getting into bed. If my dad had been home I'd say that he put me there but he wasn't around so I made it under my own power.

I awoke the next morning still good and stoned. It was awful. The sickness was brutal. I couldn't so much as roll over in bed without feeling ill. I spent all day in bed.

All in all, this was a big mistake. I was sick for three days. This left me with three more patches. I nursed them for the next three weeks. A small dot on my finger got me plenty high. Look, if you have access to this stuff and you're thinking about using them.. don't. It's dangerous stuff, really dangerous. Heroin is probably safer.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2004Views: 35,905
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Overdose (29), Addiction & Habituation (10), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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